Kenniscentrum Maatschappij en Recht
T.I.E. Veldkamp (Ted)
Kwartiermaker Amsterdam Climate NeutralTed Veldkamp werk als docent en onderzoeker bij de faculteit Techniek. Zij doet praktijkgericht onderzoek op het gebied van hydrologische extremen (zoals droogte en wateroverlast) en oplossingen hiervoor in en om stedelijke gebieden. Zij combineert kennis van hydrologie, klimaatverandering, watermanagement, civiele techniek en economie om te komen tot duurzame en robuuste oplossingen. Ze werkt op (inter)nationaal niveau samen met overheden, bedrijven, en kennisinstellingen en de verschillende opleidingen van de faculteit Techniek.
Van mondiaal naar lokaal
Als inwoner van Amsterdam ziet Ted niet alleen uitdaging in het ontwikkelen van inzichten op het gebied van klimaatverandering op mondiaal niveau, ze wil ook bijdragen aan praktische en duurzame oplossingen voor haar eigen/lokale leefomgeving. Een goede samenwerking met de publieke sector, het bedrijfsleven en studenten staat daarbij voor haar centraal.
Droogte en wateroverlast
Ted is aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam opgeleid tot hydroloog. In 2017 promoveerde ze bij het Instituut voor Milieuvraagstukken (IVM-VU) op het gebied van (het modelleren van) waterbeschikbaarheid wereldwijd, hydrologische extremen en bijbehorende risico’s en adaptatiestrategieën.
Na haar promotie werkte zij een aantal jaar als docent en onderzoeker aan de VU. Daar deed zij onderzoek naar:
- de risico’s op droogte, waterschaarste en overstromingen door klimaatverandering en socio-economische ontwikkelingen wereldwijd
- het inzetten van slimme computertechnieken om weersextremen en bijbehorende gevolgen, risico’s en adaptatiestrategieën te kunnen voorspellen
- het beter begrijpen van menselijk gedrag als startpunt voor het inrichten van adaptief beleid m.b.t. hydrologische extremen
Naast haar onderzoekswerkzaamheden heeft Ted verschillende vakken gecoördineerd en gedoceerd binnen de opleidingen Bsc. Aarde en economie en de Msc. Hydrologie.
Ervaring en expertise
- Spreker en sessievoorzitter op (inter)nationale (toegepaste) wetenschappelijke congressen
- Data-analist; grote datasets vertalen naar heldere conclusies
- Projectleider; voorstellen schrijven binnen (inter)nationale context, coördineren en uitvoeren van onderzoek, ontwikkelen van publicaties
De Waterbergende Weg: Lokale effecten hydrologie (WP2)
Schoonderbeek, J., Veldkamp, T., Kluck, J., van der Lee, N., Föllmi, D., & Loeve, R. (2024). De Waterbergende Weg: Lokale effecten hydrologie (WP2): Het functioneren van waterbergende wegen in relatie tot (grond)water. (1.0 ed.) Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Faculteit Techniek.
The functioning of water-storing roads in relation to groundwater
Schoonderbeek, J., Veldkamp, T. I. E., van der Lee, N., & Kluck, J. (2024). The functioning of water-storing roads in relation to groundwater. Poster session presented at International Conference on Urban Drainage, Delft, Netherlands.
Waterbergende weg
Föllmi, D., Veldkamp, T., Loeve, R., Schoonderbeek, J., van der Lee, N., & Kluck, J. (2023). Waterbergende weg: stedelijke opschaalbaarheid Waterbergende maatregelen (WP 3). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Infiltrerende verharding in de praktijk
Veldkamp, T., & de Groot, F. (2021). Infiltrerende verharding in de praktijk. Web publication or website, GWW Totaal.
From Pilot Projects to Transformative Infrastructures, Exploring Market Receptivity for Permeable Pavement in The Netherlands
de Graaf-van Dinther, R., Leskens, A., Veldkamp, T., Kluck, J., & Boogaard, F. (2021). From Pilot Projects to Transformative Infrastructures, Exploring Market Receptivity for Permeable Pavement in The Netherlands. Sustainability, 13(9), Article 4925.
Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change
Pokhrel, Y., Felfelani, F., Satoh, Y., Boulange, J., Burek, P., Gädeke, A., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Grillakis, M., Gudmundsson, L., Hanasaki, N., Kim, H., Koutroulis, A., Liu, J., Papadimitriou, L., Schewe, J., Müller Schmied, H., Stacke, T., Telteu, C.-E., ... Wada, Y. (2021). Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change. Nature Climate Change, 11(3), 226-233.
Cross-border climate vulnerabilities of the European Union to drought
Ercin, E., Veldkamp, T. I. E., & Hunink, J. (2021). Cross-border climate vulnerabilities of the European Union to drought. Nature Communications, 12, 1-10. Article 3322.
Impact of precipitation and increasing temperatures on drought trends in eastern Africa
Kew, S. F., Philip, S. Y., Hauser, M., Hobbins, M., Wanders, N., van Oldenborgh, G. J., van der Wiel, K., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Kimutai, J., Funk, C., & Otto, F. E. L. (2021). Impact of precipitation and increasing temperatures on drought trends in eastern Africa. Earth System Dynamics, 12(1), 17-35.
The need to integrate flood and drought disaster risk reduction strategies
Ward, P. J., de Ruiter, M. C., Mard, J., Schröter, K., van Loon, A., Veldkamp, T., von Uexkull, N., Wanders, N., AghaKouchak, A., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Capewell, L., Carmen Llasat, M., Day, R., Dewals, B., Di Baldassare, G., Huning, L. S., Kreibich, H., Mazzoleni, M., Savelli, E., ... Wens, M. (2020). The need to integrate flood and drought disaster risk reduction strategies. Water Security, 11, Article 100070.
RAAK MKB project "De infiltrerende stad
Boogaard, F., Lekkerkerk, J., de Graaf-van Dinther, R. (Ed.), Leskens, A. (Ed.), Kluck, J. (Ed.), & Veldkamp, T. (Ed.) (2020). RAAK MKB project "De infiltrerende stad: Werkpakket 3: Innovaties onderzoeken in proefopstelling. Hogeschool Rotterdam.
Projecting Exposure to Extreme Climate Impact Events Across Six Event Categories and Three Spatial Scales
Lange, S., Volkholz, J., Geiger, T., Zhao, F., Vega, I., Veldkamp, T., Reyer, C. P. O., Warszawski, L., Huber, V., Jägermeyr, J., Schewe, J., Bresch, D. N., Büchner, M., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dury, M., Emanuel, K., Folberth, C., Gerten, D., ... Frieler, K. (2020). Projecting Exposure to Extreme Climate Impact Events Across Six Event Categories and Three Spatial Scales. Earth's Future, 8(12), 1-22.
WP2: functioneren van infiltrerende verharding in de praktijk
Veldkamp, T., Schoenmaker, T., & Kluck, J. (2020). WP2: functioneren van infiltrerende verharding in de praktijk: RAAK MKB project: De infiltrerende stad. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Global River discharge and floods in the warmer climate of the last interglacial
Scussolini, P., Eilander, D., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Ikeuchi, H., Hoch, J. M., Ward, P. J., Bakker, P., Otto-Bliesner, B., Guo, C., Stepanek, C., Zhang, Q., Braconnot, P., Guarino, M.-V., Muis, S., Yamazaki, D., Veldkamp, T. I. E., & Aerts, J. C. J. H. (2020). Global River discharge and floods in the warmer climate of the last interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(18), 1-12. Article e2020GL089375.
RAAK MKB project "De infiltrerende stad"
Leskens, A., Lekkerkerk, J., Kluck, J. (Ed.), Veldkamp, T. (Ed.), Boogaard, F. (Ed.), & de Graaf-van Dinther, R. (Ed.) (2020). RAAK MKB project "De infiltrerende stad": Werkpakket 1: Systeemanalyse. Hogeschool Rotterdam.
Simulating Small-Scale Agricultural Adaptation Decisions in Response to Drought Risk: An Empirical Agent-Based Model for Semi-Arid Kenya
Wens, M., Veldkamp, T. I., Mwangi, M., Johnson, J. M., Lasage, R., Haer, T., & Aerts, J. C. J. H. (2020). Simulating Small-Scale Agricultural Adaptation Decisions in Response to Drought Risk: An Empirical Agent-Based Model for Semi-Arid Kenya. Frontiers in Water, 2, Article 15.
Surface Runoff and Drought Assessment Using Global Water Resources Datasets - from Oum Er Rbia Basin to the Moroccan Country Scale
Strohmeier, S., López López, P., Haddad, M., Nangia, V., Karrou, M., Montanaro, G., Boudhar, A., Linés, C., Veldkamp, T., & Sterk, G. (2020). Surface Runoff and Drought Assessment Using Global Water Resources Datasets - from Oum Er Rbia Basin to the Moroccan Country Scale. Water Resources Management, 34(7), 2117-2133.
The benefit of Using an Ensemble of global hydrological models in surface water availability for irrigation area planning
Kaune, A., López, P., Gevaert, A., Veldkamp, T., Werner, M., & de Fraiture, C. (2020). The benefit of Using an Ensemble of global hydrological models in surface water availability for irrigation area planning. Water Resources Management, 34(7), 2221-2240.
Review article: Natural hazard risk assessments at the global scale
Ward, P. J., Blauhut, V., Bloemendaal, N., Daniell, J. E., de Ruiter, M. C., Duncan, M. J., Emberson, R., Jenkins, S. F., Kirschbaum, D., Kunz, M., Mohr, S., Muis, S., Riddell, G. A., Schäfer, A., Stanley, T., Veldkamp, T. I. E., & Winsemius, H. C. (2020). Review article: Natural hazard risk assessments at the global scale. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20(4), 1069-1096.
Measuring compound flood potential from river discharge and storm surge extremes at the global scale
Couasnon, A., Eilander, D., Muis, S., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Haigh, I. D., Wahl, T., Winsemius, H. C., & Ward, P. J. (2020). Measuring compound flood potential from river discharge and storm surge extremes at the global scale. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 489-504.
A global-scale evaluation of extreme event uncertainty in the eartH2Observe project.
Marthews, T. R., Blyth, E. M., Martínez-de la Torre, A., & Veldkamp, T. I. E. (2020). A global-scale evaluation of extreme event uncertainty in the eartH2Observe project. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 24(1), 75-92.
Future transboundary water stress and its drivers under climate change
Munia, H. A., Guillaume, J. H. A., Wada, Y., Veldkamp, T., Virkki, V., & Kummu, M. (2020). Future transboundary water stress and its drivers under climate change: a global study. Earth's Future, 8(7), e2019EF001321. Article e2019EF001321.
Assessing time, cost and quality trade-offs in forecast-based action for floods
Bischiniotis, K., van den Hurk, B., Coughlan de Perez, E., Veldkamp, T., Nobre, G. G., & Aerts, J. (2019). Assessing time, cost and quality trade-offs in forecast-based action for floods. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 40, Article 101252.
A Spatially Explicit Assessment of Growing Water Stress in China From the Past to the Future
Liu, X., Tang, Q., Liu, W., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Boulange, J., Liu, J., Wada, Y., Huang, Z., & Yang, H. (2019). A Spatially Explicit Assessment of Growing Water Stress in China From the Past to the Future. Earth's Future, 7(9), 1027-1043.
Achieving the reduction of disaster risk by better predicting impacts of El Niño and La Niña
Guimarães Nobre, G., Muis, S., Veldkamp, T. I. E., & Ward, P. J. (2019). Achieving the reduction of disaster risk by better predicting impacts of El Niño and La Niña. Progress in Disaster Science, 2, Article 100022.
Role of economic instruments in water allocation reform
Rey, D., Pérez-Blanco, C. D., Escriva-Bou, A., Girard, C., & Veldkamp, T. I. E. (2019). Role of economic instruments in water allocation reform: lessons from Europe. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 35(2), 206-239.
Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers
Guimarães Nobre, G., Davenport, F., Bischiniotis, K., Veldkamp, T., Jongman, B., Funk, C. C., Husak, G., Ward, P. J., & Aerts, J. C. J. H. (2019). Financing agricultural drought risk through ex-ante cash transfers. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 523-535.
Water shortages worsened by reservoir effects
Di Baldassarre, G., Wanders, N., AghaKouchak, A., Kuil, L., Rangecroft, S., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Garcia, M., van Oel, P. R., Breinl, K., & Van Loon, A. F. (2018). Water shortages worsened by reservoir effects. Nature Sustainability, 1(11), 617-622.
A Continental-Scale Hydroeconomic Model for Integrating Water-Energy-Land Nexus Solutions
Kahil, T., Parkinson, S., Satoh, Y., Greve, P., Burek, P., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Burtscher, R., Byers, E., Djilali, N., Fischer, G., Krey, V., Langan, S., Riahi, K., Tramberend, S., & Wada, Y. (2018). A Continental-Scale Hydroeconomic Model for Integrating Water-Energy-Land Nexus Solutions. Water Resources Research, 54(10), 7511-7533.
The effect of climate type on timescales of drought propagation in an ensemble of global hydrological models
Gevaert, A. I., Veldkamp, T. I. E., & Ward, P. J. (2018). The effect of climate type on timescales of drought propagation in an ensemble of global hydrological models. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(9), 4649-4665.
The potential of global reanalysis datasets in identifying flood events in Southern Africa
Gründemann, G. J., Werner, M., & Veldkamp, T. I. E. (2018). The potential of global reanalysis datasets in identifying flood events in Southern Africa. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(9), 4667-4683.
Disaster risk, climate change, and poverty
Winsemius, H. C., Jongman, B., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Hallegatte, S., Bangalore, M., & Ward, P. J. (2018). Disaster risk, climate change, and poverty: Assessing the global exposure of poor people to floods and droughts. Environment and Development Economics, 23(3), 328-348.
Worldwide evaluation of mean and extreme runoff from six global-scale hydrological models that account for human impacts
Zaherpour, J., Gosling, S. N., Mount, N., Schmied, H. M., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Dankers, R., Eisner, S., Gerten, D., Gudmundsson, L., Haddeland, I., Hanasaki, N., Kim, H., Leng, G., Liu, J., Masaki, Y., Oki, T., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Schewe, J., & Wada, Y. (2018). Worldwide evaluation of mean and extreme runoff from six global-scale hydrological models that account for human impacts. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6), Article 065015.
Human impact parameterizations in global hydrological models improve estimates of monthly discharges and hydrological extremes
Veldkamp, T. I. E., Zhao, F., Ward, P. J., De Moel, H., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Schmied, H. M., Portmann, F. T., Masaki, Y., Pokhrel, Y., Liu, X., Satoh, Y., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Zaherpour, J., & Wada, Y. (2018). Human impact parameterizations in global hydrological models improve estimates of monthly discharges and hydrological extremes: A multi-model validation study. Environmental Research Letters, 13(5), Article 055008.
The influence of antecedent conditions on flood risk in sub-Saharan Africa
Bischiniotis, K., Van Den Hurk, B., Jongman, B., Coughlan De Perez, E., Veldkamp, T., De Moel, H., & Aerts, J. (2018). The influence of antecedent conditions on flood risk in sub-Saharan Africa. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18(1), 271-285.
Dependence between high sea-level and high river discharge increases flood hazard in global deltas and estuaries
Ward, P. J., Couasnon, A., Eilander, D., Haigh, I. D., Hendry, A., Muis, S., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Winsemius, H. C., & Wahl, T. (2018). Dependence between high sea-level and high river discharge increases flood hazard in global deltas and estuaries. Environmental Research Letters, 13(8), Article 084012.
The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
Zhao, F., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Frieler, K., Schewe, J., Ostberg, S., Willner, S., Schauberger, B., Gosling, S. N., Schmied, H. M., Portmann, F. T., Leng, G., Huang, M., Liu, X., Tang, Q., Hanasaki, N., Biemans, H., Gerten, D., Satoh, Y., Pokhrel, Y., ... Yamazaki, D. (2017). The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models. Environmental Research Letters, 12(7), 1-14. Article 075003.
Water scarcity hotspots travel downstream due to human interventions in the 20th and 21st century
Veldkamp, T. I. E., Wada, Y., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Döll, P., Gosling, S. N., Liu, J., Masaki, Y., Oki, T., Ostberg, S., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Kim, H., & Ward, P. J. (2017). Water scarcity hotspots travel downstream due to human interventions in the 20th and 21st century. Nature Communications, 8, 1-12. Article 15697.
A comparison of changes in river runoff from multiple global and catchment-scale hydrological models under global warming scenarios of 1 °C, 2 °C and 3 °C
Gosling, S. N., Zaherpour, J., Mount, N. J., Hattermann, F. F., Dankers, R., Arheimer, B., Breuer, L., Ding, J., Haddeland, I., Kumar, R., Kundu, D., Liu, J., van Griensven, A., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Vetter, T., Wang, X., & Zhang, X. (2017). A comparison of changes in river runoff from multiple global and catchment-scale hydrological models under global warming scenarios of 1 °C, 2 °C and 3 °C. Climatic Change: An Interdisciplinary, International Journal Devoted to the Description, Causes and Implications of Climatic Change, 141(3), 577-595.
Erratum to
Gosling, S. N., Zaherpour, J., Mount, N. J., Hattermann, F. F., Dankers, R., Arheimer, B., Breuer, L., Ding, J., Haddeland, I., Kumar, R., Kundu, D., Liu, J., van Griensven, A., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Vetter, T., Wang, X., & Zhang, X. (2017). Erratum to: A comparison of changes in river runoff from multiple global and catchment-scale hydrological models under global warming scenarios of 1 °C, 2 °C and 3 °C (Climatic Change, 10.1007/s10584-016-1773-3). Climatic Change: An Interdisciplinary, International Journal Devoted to the Description, Causes and Implications of Climatic Change, 141(3), 597-598.
Towards a global water scarcity risk assessment framework: incorporation of probability distributions and hydro-climatic variability
Veldkamp, T. I. E., Wada, Y., Aerts, J. C. J. H., & Ward, P. J. (2016). Towards a global water scarcity risk assessment framework: incorporation of probability distributions and hydro-climatic variability. Environmental Research Letters, 11(2), 1-12. Article 024006.
The world’s road to water scarcity: shortage and stress in the 20th century and pathways towards sustainability
Kummu, M., Guillaume, J. H. A., de Moel, H., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Porkka, M., Siebert, S., Veldkamp, T. I. E., & Ward, P. J. (2016). The world’s road to water scarcity: shortage and stress in the 20th century and pathways towards sustainability. Scientific Reports, 6, 1-16. Article 38495.
Sensitivity of water scarcity events to ENSO-driven climate variability at the global scale
Veldkamp, T. I. E., Eisner, S., Wada, Y., H. Aerts, J. C. J., & Ward, P. J. (2015). Sensitivity of water scarcity events to ENSO-driven climate variability at the global scale. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(10), 4081-4098.
Changing mechanism of global water scarcity events
Veldkamp, T. I. E., Wada, Y., de Moel, H., Kummu, M., Eisner, S., Aerts, J. C. J. H., & Ward, P. J. (2015). Changing mechanism of global water scarcity events: Impacts of socioeconomic changes and inter-annual hydro-climatic variability. Global Environmental Change, 32, 18-29.
Assessment of the effectiveness of flood adaptation strategies for HCMC
Lasage, R., Veldkamp, T. I. E., De Moel, H., Van, T. C., Phi, H. L., Vellinga, P., & Aerts, J. C. J. H. (2014). Assessment of the effectiveness of flood adaptation strategies for HCMC. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14(6), 1441-1457.