Kenniscentrum Maatschappij en Recht
Prof. dr. R.G. Fukkink (Ruben)
Lector De Pedagogische Functie van Onderwijs en OpvoedingRuben Fukkink is lector Pedagogiek aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam en bijzonder hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hij is daarnaast ‘visiting professor’ aan de Universiteit van Turku, Finland. Hij heeft internationaal gepubliceerd over diverse pedagogische en onderwijskundige onderwerpen. Belangrijke thema’s in zijn werk zijn kinderopvang, sociale inclusie, internationalisering en ‘urban education’. Het opgroeien van kinderen in de kinderopvang en op school en de professionalisering van pedagogisch-staf is een terugkerend onderwerp in zijn werk.
Ruben heeft diverse onderzoekssubsidies ontvangen voor onderzoek op het terrein van de kinderopvang en/of het onderwijs (o.a. van de gemeente Amsterdam, RAAK-PRO, ministerie SZW, Nationale Wetenschapsagenda). Verder is hij betrokken bij Erasmus-projecten en verschillende (inter)nationale promotietrajecten (i.s.m. UvA, VU, UL, ook Finland en Noorwegen). Met collega’s uit de eigen faculteit FOO en FMR en FBSV werkt hij samen aan praktijkgericht onderzoek op het terrein van ‘urban education’. Momenteel werkt hij met verschillende hogescholen uit Nederland, Belgie, Duitsland en Noorwegen aan een onderzoek naar interprofessionele samenwerking en de effecten op de ontwikkeling van kinderen.
Ruben is verder lid van commissies bij onderwijs- en onderzoeksvisitaties in het pedagogische domein. Hij is lid van het Nederlands Consortium Kinderopvangonderzoek (NCKO), de initiatiefgroep Expertisecentrum Kinderopvang en de onderwijskundige onderzoeksschool ICO en de pedagogische onderzoeksschool ISED/VNOP. Hij was voorzitter van de Onderwijs- en Onderzoeksraad van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Center-based childcare during infancy
Hofstee, M., Fukkink, R. G., Endendijk, J., Huijding, J., van der Velde, B., & Deković, M. (2025). Center-based childcare during infancy: The relations with functional brain networks and self-regulation in young children. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 49(2), 118-134.
Demographic and arrangement-based predictors of Dutch people’s attitudes towards surrogacy in various family constitutions
Agterberg, S., van Rijn-van Gelderen, L., van Rooij, F., de Vos, M., Jaspers, E., Fukkink, R., Mochtar, M., Goddijn, M., & Bos, H. (2025). Demographic and arrangement-based predictors of Dutch people’s attitudes towards surrogacy in various family constitutions. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. Advance online publication.
Careful Whisper:
Taylor, L. A., Fukkink, R. G., Oostdam, R. J., & van Beuningen, C. G. (Accepted/In press). Careful Whisper: Using eCoaching and a Feedback Taxonomy to Provide Practicum Feedback for Preservice Teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education.
Lernerfahrungen von frühpädagogischem Fachpersonal
Egert, F., & Fukkink, R. G. (2025). Lernerfahrungen von frühpädagogischem Fachpersonal. KiTa Aktuell, 26(1), 33-34.
Validating Self-assessment Measures for Quality of Center-based Childcare
Hay, S., Fukkink, R. G., Nefs, H. T., & Vermeer, H. J. (2025). Validating Self-assessment Measures for Quality of Center-based Childcare: A Meta-analysis. Early Education and Development, 36(1), 165-185.
Effectevaluatie van de cultuursensitieve leefstijlinterventie Simpel Fit!
Gündüz, M., Mul, S., Streppel, M., Weijs, P., & Fukkink, R. (2024). Effectevaluatie van de cultuursensitieve leefstijlinterventie Simpel Fit! Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Procesevaluatie Simpel Fit!
Gündüz, M., Mul, S., Streppel, M., Toussaint, N., Weijs, P., & Fukkink, R. (2024). Procesevaluatie Simpel Fit! Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Kindcentrum Scan
Kassenberg, A., Ooms, M., Nitert, E., Zijlstra, B., & Fukkink, R. (2024). Kindcentrum Scan: Instrument om de samenwerking tussen kinderopvang, basisonderwijs en Jeugdzorg in kaart te brengen. Digital or Visual Products, Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Is childcare good or bad for children’s socio-emotional development?
Fukkink, R. G. (2024). Is childcare good or bad for children’s socio-emotional development? Context matters. The Lancet - Regional Health: Europe, 45.
Demographic and family-based predictors of Dutch societal attitudes towards surrogacy
Achterberg, S., van Rijn-van Gelderen, L., van Rooij, F., de Vos, M., Jaspers, E., Fukkink, R. G., Mochtar, M., Goddijn, M., & Bos, H. (2024). Demographic and family-based predictors of Dutch societal attitudes towards surrogacy. Human Reproduction, 39(Supplement 1).
Evidence-based en Europese indicatoren voor de kinderopvang
Fukkink, R. G., Vos, I., Confurius, A., Faber, S., & Wijdenbosch, M. (2024). Evidence-based en Europese indicatoren voor de kinderopvang.
Learning experiences from ECEC professionals during an international field visit
Fukkink, R. G., & Egert, F. (2024). Learning experiences from ECEC professionals during an international field visit: The Berlin, The Hague, and Schiedam Study. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 1-17. Advance online publication.
Pedagogical Dimensions and Intercultural Learning Outcomes of COIL
Fukkink, R. G., Helms, R., Spee, O., Mongelos, A., Bratland, K., & Pedersen, R. (Accepted/In press). Pedagogical Dimensions and Intercultural Learning Outcomes of COIL: A review of studies published between 2013-2022. Journal of Studies in International Education. Advance online publication.
Profiles of Cultural Adaptation and Parenting Approach for Childhood Obesity in Lifestyle Interventions for Families With Young Children
Fukkink, R. G., Booij, Y. S., Leistra, L. H. M., & van Verseveld, M. D. A. (2024). Profiles of Cultural Adaptation and Parenting Approach for Childhood Obesity in Lifestyle Interventions for Families With Young Children: A Systematic Review. Family and Community Health, 47(2), 95-107.
Nederlandse Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) onderzoek naar draagmoederschap
Bos, H., van Rooij, F., van Rijn-van Gelderen, L., Mochtar, M., Verhoeven, M., & Fukkink, R. G. (2024). Nederlandse Wetenschapsagenda (NWA) onderzoek naar draagmoederschap: Dutch Science Agenda (NWA) research into surrogacy. Web publication or website, Landelijk Informatiepunt Draagmoederschap.
Transition from childcare to school
Fukkink, R. G., Sluiter, R. M. V., & Fekkes, M. (2024). Transition from childcare to school: Surgency, center-based care and caregiver-child relationship predict self-regulation, social competence and well-being. Learning and individual differences, 110, Article 102409.
A Dutch Translation and Multidimensional Structure of the Adjustment Scales for Early Transition in Schooling
Hamerslag, R., Oostdam, R. J., Fukkink, R. G., Tavecchio, L. W. C., McDermott, P., & Kim, Z. (2024). A Dutch Translation and Multidimensional Structure of the Adjustment Scales for Early Transition in Schooling. Archives of Assessment Psychology.
Effects of the COVID-19 school lockdowns on language and math performance of students in elementary schools: implications for educational practice and reducing inequality
Oostdam, R., van Diepen, M., Zijlstra, B., & Fukkink, R. (2024). Effects of the COVID-19 school lockdowns on language and math performance of students in elementary schools: implications for educational practice and reducing inequality. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39, 129-149.
Interprofessional collaborative practices for children with speech, language and communication needs in early childhood education and care: comparing Dutch and Norwegian perspectives
Langner, J., Fukkink, R. G., & Hansen Sandseter, E. B. (2024). Interprofessional collaborative practices for children with speech, language and communication needs in early childhood education and care: comparing Dutch and Norwegian perspectives. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 39(5), 675-692.
Interprofessionele samenwerking rondom jeugdigen
Boomkens, C., Verheem, E., Ex, C., & Fukkink, R. (2024). Interprofessionele samenwerking rondom jeugdigen: Wat vertellen HvA-publicaties ons? Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
De pedagogische coach
Fukkink, R. G. (2023). De pedagogische coach: Uit de Ivoren Toren (maandelijke rubriek). Management Kinderopvang, 29(6).
Enhancing early childhood education student teachers’ mentalization, interaction, and relationships
Marttila, J., Fukkink, R. G., & Silvén, M. (2023). Enhancing early childhood education student teachers’ mentalization, interaction, and relationships: An online intervention. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Fostering supportive interactions in the neighbourhood: Using visualized narratives
Rumping, S. M., Fukkink, R. G., & Boendermaker, L. (2023). Fostering supportive interactions in the neighbourhood: Using visualized narratives. Child & Family Social Work, 28(3), 669-680.
Promoting an Early Childhood Education and Care teacher-parent partnership regarding healthy behaviours in young children - a process evaluation
Toussaint, N., Streppel, M. T., Mul, S., Gündüz, M., van Verseveld, M. D. A., Janssen, M., Weijs, P. J. M., & Fukkink, R. G. (2023). Promoting an Early Childhood Education and Care teacher-parent partnership regarding healthy behaviours in young children - a process evaluation. Poster session presented at ISBNPA 2023, Uppsala, Sweden.
Early childhood education professionals’ mentalization: a pilot study
Marttila, J., Fukkink, R., & Silvén, M. (2023). Early childhood education professionals’ mentalization: a pilot study. Early Years, 1-18. Advance online publication.
De peuter-kleuter-groep
Fukkink, R., Slot, P., Breedeveld, M., & Leistra, L. (2023). De peuter-kleuter-groep: peuters, kleuters, leerkrachten en pedagogisch medewerkers in beeld. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
The effect of Job-embedded professional development on teacher and student outcomes
Balta, N., Amendum, S. J., & Fukkink, R. G. (2023). The effect of Job-embedded professional development on teacher and student outcomes: A multi-level meta-analysis. International Educational Review, 1(1).
A realist synthesis of interprofessional collaborative practices in early intervention for children with speech, language and communication needs
Langner, J., & Fukkink, R. G. (2023). A realist synthesis of interprofessional collaborative practices in early intervention for children with speech, language and communication needs. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 58(2), 516-541.
Measuring Behavioral School Readiness
Hamerslag, R., Oostdam, R. J., Fukkink, R. G., Tavecchio, L. W. C., & McDermott, P. A. (2023). Measuring Behavioral School Readiness: Assessing the psychometric quality of the Dutch version of the Adjustment Scales for Early Transition in Schooling (ASETS). Manuscript submitted for publication.
Comparing Center-based with Home-based Child Care
Sluiter, R. M. V., Fukkink, R. G., & Fekkes, M. (2023). Comparing Center-based with Home-based Child Care: Type of Care Moderates the Association between Process Quality and Child Functioning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 62(1), 102-114.
Effect and process evaluation of a preschool-based intervention to promote an early childhood education and care teacher-parent partnership about healthy behaviours in children: Study protocol for the cluster randomised controlled trial CO-HEALTHY
Toussaint, N., Streppel, M. T., Mul, S., Gündüz, M., van Verseveld, M. D. A., Janssen, M., Weijs, P. J. M., & Fukkink, R. G. (2023). Effect and process evaluation of a preschool-based intervention to promote an early childhood education and care teacher-parent partnership about healthy behaviours in children: Study protocol for the cluster randomised controlled trial CO-HEALTHY. PLoS ONE , 18(2), Article e0281999.
Evaluatie van de Amsterdamse Familie School
Vaessen, A., de Wit, M., Mak, J., Kruithof, M., Schoorl, R., & Fukkink, R. (2023). Evaluatie van de Amsterdamse Familie School.
Infants in Dutch daycare: Exploring fine-grained dimensions of temperament
Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Infants in Dutch daycare: Exploring fine-grained dimensions of temperament. Infant and Child Development, 31(6), Article e2363.
Investeer in het jonge kind, en de kleuter
Fukkink, R. (2022). Investeer in het jonge kind, en de kleuter. Kind & Adolescent Praktijk, 21(3), 42-44.
Standardising coaching of preservice teachers in the classroom
Taylor, L., Oostdam, R., & Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Standardising coaching of preservice teachers in the classroom: development and trial of the Synchronous Online Feedback Tool (SOFT). Teaching and Teacher Education, 117, Article 103780.
Practical solution or missed opportunity? The impact of language of instruction on Dutch history teachers’ application of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
Oattes, H., Wilschut, A., Oostdam, R., Fukkink, R., & de Graaff, R. (2022). Practical solution or missed opportunity? The impact of language of instruction on Dutch history teachers’ application of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Teaching and Teacher Education, 115, Article 103721.
Development of a toolkit to strengthen the ECEC teacher-parent partnership regarding healthy eating, physical activity and sleeping behaviors in young children
Streppel, M., Toussaint, N., Mul, S., van Verseveld, M., Janssen, M., Weijs, P., & Fukkink, R. (2022). Development of a toolkit to strengthen the ECEC teacher-parent partnership regarding healthy eating, physical activity and sleeping behaviors in young children. 622-623. Abstract from ISBNPA 2022 - The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, United States.
Civil society in western welfare states: Exploring implementation strategies in youth care policy in the Netherlands
Rumping, S. M., Boendermaker, L., & Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Civil society in western welfare states: Exploring implementation strategies in youth care policy in the Netherlands. Manuscript submitted for publication.
What works for whom: A realist synthesis of neighbourhood interventions for families in the community
Rumping, S. M., Boendermaker, L., & Fukkink, R. G. (2022). What works for whom: A realist synthesis of neighbourhood interventions for families in the community. Children and Youth Services Review, 134, 1-11. Article 106365.
A Causal Loop Diagram of factors that influence motor skills in school-aged children
Pepping, R., Janssen, M., Streppel, M., Fukkink, R., Engelbert, R., van Hartingsveldt, M., Busch, V., Stallen, M., & Oosterlaan, J. (2022). A Causal Loop Diagram of factors that influence motor skills in school-aged children. 266-266. Abstract from ISBNPA 2022 - The International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, United States.
A showdown between bilingual and mainstream education
Oattes, H., Fukkink, R., Oostdam, R., de Graaff, R., & Wilschut, A. (2022). A showdown between bilingual and mainstream education: the impact of language of instruction on learning subject content knowledge. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 25(2), 756-769.
Caregiver-child relationships in after-school care
Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Caregiver-child relationships in after-school care: the role of gender and the gender match. Early Child Development and Care, 192(16), 2665-2678.
Exploring children’s well-being in daycare: how do children feel all day?
Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Exploring children’s well-being in daycare: how do children feel all day? European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 30(5), 730-744.
Fukkink, R. (2022). Frictie: investeer in het jonge kind, en in de kleuter. Kind en Adolescent - Praktijkreeks, 21(3), 42-44.
Gesprekskwaliteit bij De Kindertelefoon
Conijn, J., Bollen, I., & Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Gesprekskwaliteit bij De Kindertelefoon. Kohnstamm Instituut.
Social interactions among nonparental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: a mixed-method vignette study
Rumping, S. M., Boendermaker, L., & Fukkink, R. G. (2022). Social interactions among nonparental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: a mixed-method vignette study. European Journal of Social Work, 25(3), 376-390.
Vignettes to measure social interactions among non-parental adults and parents in the neighbourhood
Rumping, S., Fukkink, R. G., & Boendermaker, L. (2022). Vignettes to measure social interactions among non-parental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: A validation study. Journal of Social Inclusion, 13(1), 66-85.
Vignettes to measure social interactions among nonparental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: a validation study
Rumping, S., Fukkink, R., & Boendermaker, L. (2022). Vignettes to measure social interactions among nonparental adults and parents in the neighbourhood: a validation study. Journal of Social Inclusion, 13(1), 20-38.
Vroom, M., & Fukkink, R. G. (2021). Digital or Visual Products, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum.
Benefits of an Out-of-School Time Program on Social-Emotional Learning among Underprivileged Adolescent Youth
Helms, R., Fukkink, R. G., van Driel, K., & Vorst, H. (2021). Benefits of an Out-of-School Time Program on Social-Emotional Learning among Underprivileged Adolescent Youth: A Retrospective Analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 131.
Aanvullend onderwijs
Fukkink, R., Elffers, L., Timmermans, G., Helms, R., Jansen , D., Fix, M., & Lusse, M. (2021). Aanvullend onderwijs. In M. Florussen (Ed.), Gelijke kansen voor een diverse jeugd: resultaten van drie jaar onderzoek (pp. 38-44). Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.
The effects of a preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in young children: A cluster randomised controlled trial
Toussaint, N., Streppel, M. T., Mul, S., Balledux, M., van Drongelen, K., Janssen, M., Fukkink, R. G., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2021). The effects of a preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in young children: A cluster randomised controlled trial. PLoS ONE , 16(7), Article e0255023.
Effects of Implementing Multiple Components in a School-Wide Antibullying Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Elementary Schools
van Verseveld, M. D. A., Fekkes, M., Fukkink, R. G., & Oostdam, R. J. (2021). Effects of Implementing Multiple Components in a School-Wide Antibullying Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Elementary Schools. Child Development, 92(4), 1605-1623.
The Impact of Process Quality in Early Childcare upon Socio-emotional Development
Sluiter, R. M. V., Fukkink, R. G., & Fekkes, M. (2021). The Impact of Process Quality in Early Childcare upon Socio-emotional Development: A Longitudinal Meta-analysis.
Verkenning naar cultuursensitieve leefstijlinterventies voor het jonge kind
van Verseveld, M., Booij, Y., Leistra, L., & Fukkink, R. (2021). Verkenning naar cultuursensitieve leefstijlinterventies voor het jonge kind: Interdisciplinaire samenwerking tussen pedagogen en voedings- en beweegprofessionals voor de aanpak van overgewicht in de grote stad. (1.0 ed.) Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre of Expertise Urban Education.
Teaching History in Bilingual Secondary Education in the Netherlands
Oattes, H., Oostdam, R., De Graaff, R., Fukkink, R., & Wilschut, A. (2021). Teaching History in Bilingual Secondary Education in the Netherlands: Perceptions, classroom practice and learning outcomes. [Research HvA, graduation external, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding, Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Opvoeders-kind Relatie Centraal - Handleiding (ORCH-idee)
Diroë, M., & Fukkink, R. G. (2021, Apr 10). Opvoeders-kind Relatie Centraal - Handleiding (ORCH-idee): Een goed gesprek tussen ouder en pedagogisch medewerker .
Aanvullend onderwijs: Slotpresentatie
Fukkink, R. G., & Elffers, L. (2021). Aanvullend onderwijs: Slotpresentatie. In Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA)
Factsheet Split systems in ECEC in the Netherlands
Fukkink, R. G., & Slot, P. (2021). Factsheet Split systems in ECEC in the Netherlands. In Split systems in early childhood education and care
Aanvullend onderwijs in Nederland
Elffers, L., Jansen, D., Kienhuis, W., van Leeuwen, L., Fukkink, R., Helms, R., van Driel, K., Timmerman, G., Lecina, N., Fix, M., & Lusse, M. (Ed.) (2021). Aanvullend onderwijs in Nederland: Een verkennend beeld uit onderzoek en handvatten van en voor de praktijk.
Rapporteren over doorwerking van praktijkgericht onderzoek
van Vliet, H., Wakkee, I., Fukkink, R., Teepe, R., & van Outersterp, D. (2021). Rapporteren over doorwerking van praktijkgericht onderzoek. Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Interprofessional cooperation between childcare and education in four European cities
Fukkink, R. G., & Ploeger, S. (2021). Interprofessional cooperation between childcare and education in four European cities. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre of Expertise Urban Education.
Teachers' Experiences With Difficult Bullying Situations in the School: An Explorative Study
van Verseveld, M. D. A., Fekkes, M., Fukkink, R. G., & Oostdam, R. J. (2021). Teachers' Experiences With Difficult Bullying Situations in the School: An Explorative Study. Journal of Early Adolescence, 41(1), 43-69.
Aanvullend onderwijs in Nederland
Elffers, L., Jansen , D., Kienhuis, W., van Leeuwen, L., Fukkink, R. G., Helms, R. M., van Driel, K., Timmermans, G., Fix, M., & Lusse, M. (2021). Aanvullend onderwijs in Nederland: Een verkennend beeld uit onderzoek en handvatten uit onderzoek en praktijk. De Grafische Republiek.
Startende leerkrachten trainen in oudergesprekken met behulp van Virtual Reality
Oostdam, R., Baas, R., Fukkink, R., van der Linde, A., van Mulligen, R., Menheere, A., & de Wit, P. (2021). Startende leerkrachten trainen in oudergesprekken met behulp van Virtual Reality. Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 42(3), 1-12.
Quality of Care and Child Functioning in Center-based and Home-based Child Care
Sluiter, R. M. V., Fekkes, M., & Fukkink, R. G. (2020). Quality of Care and Child Functioning in Center-based and Home-based Child Care: Closeness to Caregiver Moderates Child Functioning. XXX.
Empirische evidentie voor de effecten van Video Interactie Begeleiding in gezinnen: Een overzicht van recent onderzoek (2008-’20)
Fukkink, R. (2020). Empirische evidentie voor de effecten van Video Interactie Begeleiding in gezinnen: Een overzicht van recent onderzoek (2008-’20). Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
A realist synthesis of interprofessional collaboration in the early years; becoming familiar with other professionals
Fukkink, R., & Lalihatu, E. S. (2020). A realist synthesis of interprofessional collaboration in the early years; becoming familiar with other professionals. International Journal of Integrated Care, 20(3), Article 16.
The effects of instructional focus and task type on pre-vocational learners’ ability in EFL oral interaction
van Batenburg, E., Oostdam, R., van Gelderen, A., Fukkink, R., & de Jong, N. (2020). The effects of instructional focus and task type on pre-vocational learners’ ability in EFL oral interaction. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 171(2), 153-190.
Pedagogical quality of after-school care
Fukkink, R., & Boogaard, M. (2020). Pedagogical quality of after-school care: relaxation and/or enrichment? Children and Youth Services Review, 112, Article 104903.
The impact of in-service professional development on the quality of teacher-child interactions in early education and care
Egert, F., Dederer, V., & Fukkink, R. G. (2020). The impact of in-service professional development on the quality of teacher-child interactions in early education and care: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 29, Article 100309.
The impact of in-service professional development on the quality of teacher-child interactions in early education and care
Egert, F., Dederer, V., & Fukkink, R. G. (2020). The impact of in-service professional development on the quality of teacher-child interactions in early education and care. Educational Research Review, 29(100309).
The Effects of the PLAYTOD Program on Children’s Physical Activity at Preschool Playgrounds in a Deprived Urban Area: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Toussaint, N., Streppel, M. T., Mul, S., Fukkink, R. G., Weijs, P. J. M., & Janssen, M. (2020). The Effects of the PLAYTOD Program on Children’s Physical Activity at Preschool Playgrounds in a Deprived Urban Area: A Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), Article 329.
Evaluating opportunities in Dutch EFL course books for developing pre-vocational learners’ oral interactional ability
van Batenburg, E. SL., Oostdam, R. J., van Gelderen, A. JS., Fukkink, R. G., & de Jong, N. (2020). Evaluating opportunities in Dutch EFL course books for developing pre-vocational learners’ oral interactional ability. Language Teaching Research, 24(4), 434-455.
Inclusive early childhood education and care: a longitudinal study into the growth of interprofessional collaboration
Fukkink, R. G., & van Verseveld, M. (2020). Inclusive early childhood education and care: a longitudinal study into the growth of interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 34(3), 362-372.
Religious Minority Students in Religious and Public Schools
Oulali, I., van den Akker, A. L., Bos, H. M. W., Merry, M. S., Fukkink, R. G., & Overbeek, G. J. (2020). Religious Minority Students in Religious and Public Schools: Religious Self-Esteem and Psychosocial Adjustment. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Uit de ivoren toren
Fukkink, R. G. (2020). Uit de ivoren toren: maandelijkse rubriek Management Kinderopvang. Management Kinderopvang.
Effects of a school-wide anti-bullying program: Empower both students and teachers!
van Verseveld, M., Fekkes, M., Fukkink, R., & Oostdam, R. (2019). Effects of a school-wide anti-bullying program: Empower both students and teachers!. Paper presented at 19th European Conference on Development Psychology, Athens, Greece.
Oral Interaction in the EFL Classroom: The Effects of Instructional Focus and Task Type on Learner Affect
van Batenburg, E. S. L., Oostdam, R. J., Gelderen, A. V., Fukkink, R. G., & De Jong, N. (2019). Oral Interaction in the EFL Classroom: The Effects of Instructional Focus and Task Type on Learner Affect. Paper presented at Task-based Language Teaching Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
Effects of antibullying programs on teachers' interventions in bullying situations
van Verseveld, M. D. A., Fukkink, R. G., Fekkes, M., & Oostdam, R. J. (2019). Effects of antibullying programs on teachers' interventions in bullying situations: a meta-analysis. Psychology in the Schools, 56(9), 1522-1539.
Maladaptive behavior in relation to the basic psychological needs of students in secondary education
Oostdam, R. J., Koerhuis, M. J. C., & Fukkink, R. G. (2019). Maladaptive behavior in relation to the basic psychological needs of students in secondary education. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 34, 601-619.
Fostering students’ appraisals of the relevance of history by comparing analogous cases of an enduring human issue
van Straaten, D., Wilschut, A., Oostdam, R., & Fukkink, R. (2019). Fostering students’ appraisals of the relevance of history by comparing analogous cases of an enduring human issue: a quasi-experimental study. Cognition and Instruction, 37(4), 512-533.
PreSchool@HealthyWeight: A preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in toddlers
Toussaint, N., Streppel, MT., Mul, S., Schreurs, A., Balledux, M., van Drongelen, K., Janssen, M., Fukkink, RG., & Weijs, PJ. (2019). PreSchool@HealthyWeight: A preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in toddlers. 300. Abstract from Annual Meeting 2019 - International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Praag, Czech Republic.
Effectiveness of the PLAYgrounds for Toddlers program on type and amount of physical activity in playgrounds of Dutch preschools: a cluster randomized controlled trial
Streppel, M., Toussaint, N., Mul, S., Schreurs, A., Fukkink, RG., Weijs, PJ., & Janssen, M. (2019). Effectiveness of the PLAYgrounds for Toddlers program on type and amount of physical activity in playgrounds of Dutch preschools: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Poster session presented at Annual Meeting 2019 - International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Praag, Czech Republic.
Interprofessional collaboration in early childhood education and care
Fukkink, R. (2019). Interprofessional collaboration in early childhood education and care: Working Together to Include All Children in Their Early Years. In Social Inclusion, Education and Urban Policy for Young Children Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding.
Helping parents enhance vocabulary development in preschool children
Teepe, R. C., Molenaar, I., Oostdam, R., Fukkink, R., & Verhoeven, L. (2019). Helping parents enhance vocabulary development in preschool children: effects of a family literacy program. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 48(3rd Quarter), 226-236.
Caregiver’s mindmMindedness in early center-based childcare
Helmerhorst, K. O. W., Colonnesi, C., & Fukkink, R. (2019). Caregiver’s mindmMindedness in early center-based childcare. Early Education and Development, 30(7), 854-871.
Teachers' experiences with difficult bullying situations
van Verseveld, M., Fekkes, M., Fukkink, R., & Oostdam, R. (2019). Teachers' experiences with difficult bullying situations. Paper presented at SRCD 2019, Baltimore, United States.
PRESchool@HealthyWeight: A Preschool-Based Intervention For Promoting Healthy Eating And Physical Activity In Toddlers
Toussaint, N., Streppel, M. T., Mul, S., Schreurs, A., van Drongelen, K., Balledux, M., Janssen, M., Fukkink, R. G., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2019). PRESchool@HealthyWeight: A Preschool-Based Intervention For Promoting Healthy Eating And Physical Activity In Toddlers. Abstract from 6th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth, Valencia, Spain.
Fukkink, R. (2019). Conclusions: Review by Prof. Dr. Ruben Fukkink. In Creating Opportunities : 'How to improve equal opportunities for all children' (pp. 27-28). (Kennisdossier kinderopvang BKK). Bureau Kwaliteit Kinderopvang.
Hoe werken jeugdhulpverleners samen?
Boendermaker, L., Rumping, S. M., Metz, J. W., & Fukkink, R. G. (2019). Hoe werken jeugdhulpverleners samen? Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Urban Education.
SMS counselling at a child helpline: counsellor strategies, children’s stressors and well-being
Sindahl, T. N., Fukkink, R. G., & Helles, R. (2019). SMS counselling at a child helpline: counsellor strategies, children’s stressors and well-being. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. Advance online publication.
The development of interaction skills in preservice teacher education
Fukkink, R., Jilink, L., op den Kelder, R., Zijlmans, K., Bollen, I., & Koopman, L. (2019). The development of interaction skills in preservice teacher education: a mixed-methods study of Dutch pre-service teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47, 321-329.
Training interaction skills of pre-service ECEC teachers
Fukkink, R., Helmerhorst, K., Gevers Deynoot-Schaub, M., & Sluiter, R. (2019). Training interaction skills of pre-service ECEC teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(4), 497-507.
Aanvullend onderwijs: leren en ontwikkelen naast de school
Elffers, L., Fukkink, R., Jansen, D., Helms, R., Timmerman, G., Fix, M., & Lusse, M. (2019). Aanvullend onderwijs: leren en ontwikkelen naast de school: een verkennende schets van het landschap van aanvullend onderwijs in Nederland. Nationale Wetenschapsagenda.
A Comparative Exploration of the Pedagogical Quality of Parent-Led Child Care Centers and Regular Child Care in The Netherlands
Fukkink, R. G., Sluiter, R. M. V., Gevers Deynoot-Schaub, M. J. J. M., & Helmerhorst, K. O. W. (2019). A Comparative Exploration of the Pedagogical Quality of Parent-Led Child Care Centers and Regular Child Care in The Netherlands. Early Education and Development, 30(1), 98-113.
A competence profile for professionals in the educational ECEC field
Fukkink, R. G., Spee, O. L. F., & Pedersen, R. (2019). A competence profile for professionals in the educational ECEC field.
A preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in toddlers: study protocol of the cluster randomized controlled trial PreSchool@HealthyWeight
Toussaint, N., Streppel, M. T., Mul, S., Schreurs, A., Balledux, M., van Drongelen, K., Janssen, M., Fukkink, R. G., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2019). A preschool-based intervention for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) teachers in promoting healthy eating and physical activity in toddlers: study protocol of the cluster randomized controlled trial PreSchool@HealthyWeight. BMC Public Health, 19, Article 278.
Boosting learners’ self-confidence, enjoyment and willingness to interact in the language classroom.
van Batenburg, E. S. L., Oostdam, R. J., van Gelderen, A. J. S., Fukkink, R. G., & de Jong, N. H. (2019). Boosting learners’ self-confidence, enjoyment and willingness to interact in the language classroom. The Modern Language Journal, 103(1).
Cities including children (website)
Spee, O. L. F., Nohr, K. G., Captain, E. S. J., Andree Wiltens, W., & Fukkink, R. G. (Eds.) (2019). Cities including children (website). Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
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