Kenniscentrum Techniek

Using e-Health in the physical therapeutic care process for patients with temporomandibular disorders

a qualitative study on the perspective of physical therapists and patients


<p>Background: Treatment of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) currently consists of a combination of noninvasive therapies and may be supported by e-Health. It is, however, unclear if physical therapists and patients are positive towards the use of e-Health. Purpose: To assess the needs, facilitators and barriers of the use of an e-Health application from the perspective of both orofacial physical therapists and patients with TMD. Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was performed. Eleven physical therapists and nine patients with TMD were interviewed using a topic guide. Thematic analysis was applied, and findings were ordered according to four themes: acceptance of e-Health, expected utility, usability and convenience. Results: Physical therapists identified the need for e-Health as a supporting application to send questionnaires, animated exercises and evaluation tools. Key facilitators for both physical therapists and patients for implementing e-Health included the increase in self-efficacy, support of data collection and personalization of the application. Key barriers are the increase of screen time, the loss of personal contact, not up-to-date information and poor design of the application. Conclusions: Physical therapists and patients with TMD are positive towards the use of e-Health, in a blended form with the usual rehabilitation care process for TMD complaints.Implications for rehabilitation The rehabilitation process of temporomandibular complaints may be supported by the use of e-Health applications. Physical therapists and patients with temporomandibular disorders are positive towards the use of e-Health as an addition to the usual care. Especially during the treatment process, there is a need for clear animated videos and reminders for the patients.</p>

Reference van der Meer, H. A., de Pijper, L., van Bruxvoort, T., Visscher, C. M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Speksnijder, C. M. (2020). Using e-Health in the physical therapeutic care process for patients with temporomandibular disorders: a qualitative study on the perspective of physical therapists and patients. Disability and Rehabilitation.
Published by  Urban Vitality 16 June 2020

Publication date

Jun 2020


Hedwig A. van der Meer
Leonie de Pijper
Thijs van Bruxvoort
Corine M. Visscher
Maria W.G. Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Raoul H.H. Engelbert
Caroline M. Speksnijder


Research database