Kenniscentrum Techniek
588 Resultaten
Accounting for site-to-site DNA transfer on a packaged exhibit in an evaluation given activity level propositions
1 november 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekConsidering activity level propositions in the evaluation of forensic biology findings is becoming more common place. There are increasing numbers of publications demonstrating different transfer mechanisms that can ...
Prevalence of male DNA on female worn undergarments. How small datasets may support robust opinions in activity level evaluative reporting
1 augustus 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn cases of sexual assault, the interpretation of biological traces on clothing, and particularly undergarments, may be complex. This is especially so when the complainant and defendant interact socially, for ...
Sporenonderzoek op de plaats delict
1 augustus 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIs het brein van de rechter in staat om bewijs (DNA, camerabeelden) zo te interpreteren dat de waarheid wordt gevonden? Wat betekenen afwijkingen in het brein van de verdachte voor diens ...
Psychologische invloeden op forensisch-technisch onderzoek
1 juli 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHet strafrecht gaat over mensen en misdrijven; van de getuige die een misdrijf ziet, tot de rechter die uiteindelijk moet beslissen over schuld en straf, en alles daartussenin. De rechtspsychologie gaat over het ...
Data as driver
1 juni 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe world of electric mobility and charging infrastructure has accelerated in recent years: from a start-up to a mature market. During the last decade, researchers at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences have ...
Forensic DNA Interpretation and Human Factors: Improving Practice Through a Systems Approach
1 mei 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe study of human factors in forensic science informs our understanding of the interaction between humans and the systems they use. The Expert Working Group (EWG) on Human Factors in Forensic DNA Interpretation used ...
CURE+ Baseline study: City of Riga, Latvia
1 mei 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationBaseline study, City of Riga, Latvia May 2024
Identifying factors that influence electric vehicle charging station performance in expanding networks
26 april 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationCharging infrastructure deployment has taken off in many cities with the rise of the number of electric vehicles on the road. Expansion of infrastructure is a matter of prioritisation of resources to optimise the ...
Circulariteit vraagt om innovatieve ecosystemen
1 april 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekNederland voldoet met een inzamelpercentage van minder dan 50% niet aan de Europese normen voor e-waste. Er komt te weinig afgedankte elektrische en elektronische apparatuur terug van consumenten en bedrijven. Naast ...
Omgevingsbemonsteringen: de verborgen troeven van scenariogericht forensisch onderzoek
1 april 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekScenario’s spelen een belangrijke rol in strafrechtelijke onderzoeken. Ook in het forensisch onderzoek op de plaats delict is de rol van scenario’s niet meer weg te denken. In dit artikel gaan we in op de ...
Scenariogericht werken van plaats delict tot de rechtszaal. Over het belang van systematisch werken vanuit een denkkader bij waarheidsvinding
1 april 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHet strafdossier dat door het Openbaar Ministerie aan de rechter wordt voorgelegd, bestaat uit een reconstructie van vermeende strafbare feiten die hebben plaatsgevonden, en het bewijs waarop deze reconstructie is ...
Electric Aircraft Operations:
1 maart 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis study focuses on the feasibility of electric aircraft operations between the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao. It explores the technical characteristics of two different future electric ...
A practical treatment of sensitivity analyses in activity level evaluations
1 februari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekEvaluations of forensic observations considering activity level propositions are becoming more common place in forensic institutions. A measure that can be taken to interrogate the evaluation for robustness is called ...
Implementing organisational change in a digitalising facilities management organisation through stewardship interventions
8 januari 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationWhile digitalisation requires facilities management (FM) organisations to change at an increasing rate, little is known about the mechanisms that create ownership and enable individuals to implement changes in ...
Distinguishing happiness and meaning in life from depressive symptoms: A GWAS-by-subtraction study in the UK Biobank
1 januari 2024 | Centre for Economic TransformationHedonic (happiness) and eudaimonic (meaning in life) well-being are negatively related to depressive symptoms. Genetic variants play a role in this association, reflected in substantial genetic correlations. We ...
A Novel, Non-Contact NDT Scanner Case Study: Thickness Measurement, Debonding and Defects Detection in Metallic and Composite Parts
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe NDT methods currently used in aviation MRO are predominantly labour-intensive and time-consuming processes performed by human operators throughout the lifespan of an aircraft. These techniques are time-consuming, ...
Buckling Prediction of MWCNT-reinforced Laminated Composite Structures under Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Conditions
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis study presents a detailed buckling analysis of laminated composites reinforced by multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) inclusions using a multiscale computational framework. It combines multiple analytical and ...
Electric flight operations for interisland mobility
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekSeveral studies have shown that flying electric between the so-called ABC-islands in the Caribbean (i.e., Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao) is feasible with the upcoming first generation of battery-electric ...
Characterizing the shape-morphing behaviour of 4D printed PLA structures
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis study aims to provide an in-depth characterization of the intelligent behaviour exhibited by structures fabricated using fused deposition modelling (FDM) printing technology. The primary objective is to ...
CSI-CSI: Comparing several investigative approaches toward crime scene improvement
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekCrime scene investigations are highly complex environments that require the CSI to engage in complex decision-making. CSIs must rely on personal experience, context information, and scientific knowledge about the ...
Structure, positions and mechanisms
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekSocial network analysis can be a powerful tool to better understand the social context of terrorist activities, and it may also offer potential leads for agencies to intervene. Our access to Dutch police information ...
De menselijke factor in forensisch onderzoek
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe vierde druk van het handboek Politie is volledig vernieuwd en uitgebreid. In de afgelopen tien jaar is er veel gebeurd in de organisatie en het functioneren van de politie in Nederland. De relevante inhoudelijke ...
The relationship between pellet size and shotgun dispersion patterns
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWhen reconstructing a shooting incident with a shotgun, the muzzle-to-target distance can be determined by relating the size of a dispersion pattern found on a crime scene to that of test shots. Ideally, the test ...
Van opsporing tot bewijsvoering
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHet NFI bundelt in dit onderzoek de krachten met TU Delft en de Hogeschool van Amsterdam om te kijken naar de werkwijze van forensisch onderzoekers (FO’ers) op een plaats-delict (PD). Daarvoor is eerst gekeken ...
Sensemaking and evidence in criminal investigations of organised crime: A literature review
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekProducing evidence that can be used in court is a central goal of criminal investigations. Forensic science focuses with considerable success on the production of pieces of evidence from specific sources. However, ...
The Relational Dimension of Radicalization: Context and Tie Formation in Dutch Salafi-Jihadi Networks
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDespite the widely held notion that processes of radicalization tend to happen in relation to others, systematic evidence on the social context in which actors meet and form ties is scarce. This is problematic, as ...
Advanced data analytics and digital technologies for smart and sustainable maintenance
1 januari 2024 | Kenniscentrum TechniekOptimization of aviation maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) operations has been of high interest in recent years for both the knowledge institutions and the industrial community as a total of approximately $70 ...
Influence of blue-green roofs on surface temperature and indoor temperature on building scale
1 december 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekBlue-green roofs have been utilized and studied for their enhanced water storage capacity compared to conventional roofs or extensive green roofs. Nonetheless, research about the thermal effect of blue-green roofs is ...
1 december 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHoe kunnen we bij grote woningbouwprojecten de straat zó ontwerpen dat de menselijke maat behouden blijft? In westerse steden moeten steeds meer inwoners worden gehuisvest. Dit brengt in veel gevallen de ...
Composites in aerospace and mechanical engineering
19 november 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekAn important step towards improving performance while reducing weight and maintenance needs is the integration of composite materials into mechanical and aerospace engineering. This subject explores the many aspects ...
Hergebruik isolatieglas
30 oktober 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHergebruik van isolatieglas dat vrijkomt bij renovatieprojecten brengt circulair bouwen een stap dichterbij. Demontage van de raambeglazing lijkt hierbij de meest kansrijke route naar grootschalige toepassing. Dat ...
Stakeholder prioritizations for electric vehicle charging across time periods
1 oktober 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekElectric vehicles have penetrated the Dutch market, which increases the potential for decreased local emissions, the use and storage of sustainable energy, and the roll-out and use of electric car-sharing business ...
Computer leert wijktypen bepalen voor heel Nederland
1 september 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHet beschrijven van een bebouwd gebied kan in algemene termen, zoals ‘in het centrum’ of ‘in een groene wijk’. Voor een meer specifieke beschrijving geeft alleen de aanduiding van een ...
Goed verpakt
1 september 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHonger is nog steeds een wereldwijd probleem, terwijl iedereen genoeg te eten zou hebben als we het beschikbare voedsel goed zouden verdelen en benutten, en het niet zouden verspillen. Maar alleen al in Nederland ...
In situ detection of product age and argon concentration as measure of the re-use potential of insulating glass units in buildings
1 september 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHigh level circular use of post-consumer insulating glass units will contribute to lower the environmental and social impact of insulation glass industry. The application of various circular strategies for insulating ...
Cool Towns Intervention Catalogue
1 september 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekBuilt environments are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Most European towns and cities have developed horizontally over time but are currently in the process of further densification. ...
Cool Towns Intervention Catalogue
1 september 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekBuilt environments are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Most European towns and cities have developed horizontally over time but are currently in the process of further densification. ...
An Agent-Based Model for exploring behaviour change policies for improving waste separation at SMEs
3 juli 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWaste separation at companies is considered a priority to achieve a circular and sustainable society. This research explores behaviour change poli-cies for separating the organic fraction of municipal solid waste ...
Towards Onsite Age Estimation of Semen Stains Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
1 juli 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe age estimation of biological traces is one of the holy grails in forensic investigations. We developed a method for the age estimation of semen stains using fluorescence spectroscopy in conjunction with a ...
Bloodstain pattern analysis & Bayes: A case report
1 juli 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe findings from a bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) may assist in formulating or falsifying scenarios that are considered in the investigative stages of a criminal investigation. When a case proceeds to trial the ...
Use of Lateral Flow Assays in Forensics
1 juli 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekAlready for some decades lateral flow assays (LFAs) are ‘common use’ devices in our daily life. Also, for forensic use LFAs are developed, such as for the analysis of illicit drugs and DNA, but also for ...
Cooperative behaviour at public electric vehicle charging stations
1 juli 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekUnderutilised charging stations can be a bottleneck in the swift transition to electric mobility. This study is the first to research cooperative behaviour at public charging stations as a way to address improved ...
Gezonde koele buitenruimte in dichtbevolkte wijken
1 juli 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekKlimaatverandering heeft wereldwijd een aanzienlijke impact en één van de gevolgen is de toename van hittestress in steden, wat een negatief effect kan hebben op de gezondheid van de inwoners. Het ...
The Circular Wood KPI-framework
20 juni 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWood is an increasingly demanded renewable resource and an important raw material for construction and materials. Demands are rising, with a growing attention for re-use and upcycling. This opens opportunities for ...
Research Challenges In City Logistics For Circular Supply Chains Of E-Waste
19 juni 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis paper presents challenges in city logistics for circular supply chains of e-e-waste. Efficient e-waste management is one of the strategies to save materials, critical minerals, and precious metals.
Battery Supported Electric Vehicle Charging Plaza Using a Limited Capacity Grid Connection
11 juni 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis study used historical data from a Park & Ride facility in Amsterdam to build a validated computer (Python) model to optimize battery and grid connection sizing.
Op naar een rechtvaardige energietransitie
1 juni 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDat de wereld van techniek niet erg divers is, is bij veel mensen bekend. Ook op de HvA is de faculteit Techniek onder studenten en medewerkers op veel plekken geen afspiegeling van de samenleving en zeker niet van ...
Over scenariogericht werken en het afleiden van handelingen uit sporen
1 juni 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekNa een misdrijf blijven er vaak sporen achter op een plaats delict, die een belangrijke rol kunnen spelen bij de opsporing, vervolging en berechting. Daarom is het vinden, selecteren, analyseren en interpreteren van ...
Factsheet Laadpaalkleven
9 mei 2023 | Faculteit TechniekFact sheet that may be used to make decisions on how to deal with hogging at charging stations.
Praktijkgids transdisciplinair werken
8 mei 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekTransdisciplinair werken is noodzakelijk om in deze tijd van transitie naar de circulaire economie sneller tot toepasbare kennis en oplossingen te komen.
Politieoptreden op het dark web
1 mei 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekOnline criminaliteit stelt de politie voor nieuwe vraagstukken. Zo kunnen daders op het internet met Anonieme Communicatie Netwerken (ACN’s) acteren zonder daarbij hun identiteit of locatie prijs te geven.
1 mei 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekOm naar een circulaire economie te bewegen moet zoveel mogelijk van ons afval weer als grondstof toegepast worden. Het goed scheiden van afval is daarvoor een belangrijke voorwaarde.
Introducing a Rapid DNA Analysis Procedure for Crime Scene Samples Outside of the Laboratory—A Field Experiment
1 april 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekTechnological innovations enable rapid DNA analysis implementation possibilities. Concordantly, rapid DNA devices are being used in practice. However, the effects of implementing rapid DNA technologies in the crime ...
Challenges in city logistics and circular value chains for e-waste
17 maart 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekLittle progress has been made in recent years toward achieving a fully circular economy by 2050. Implementing circular urban supply chains is a major economic transformation that can only work if significant ...
Stedelijke logistiek anders organiseren: de aanleiding voor de ontwikkeling van een cityport in Cilolab2
17 maart 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe aanleiding voor deze bijdrage is het onderzoek geplande onderzoek in CILOLAB2 dat antwoord moet gaan geven op de centrale vraag: “op welke wijze en in welke mate kan een ‘cityport’ bijdragen aan ...
Handreiking droogte en groen
15 maart 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDeze handreiking bestaat uit zes praatplaten (drie wijktypes met een onderscheid voor hoog en laag Nederland) die dienen als toekomstschetsen om visueel inzichtelijk te maken hoe groen in de wijk droogtebestendiger ...
AI Application in Transport and Logistics
1 maart 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe aim of this research/project is to investigate and analyze the opportunities and challenges of implementing AI technologies in general and in the transport and logistics sectors. Also, the potential impacts of AI ...
Charging after Lockdown: The Aftermath of COVID-19 Policies on Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviour in The Netherlands
1 maart 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDuring the COVID-19—related lockdowns (2020–2022), mobility patterns and charging needs were substantially affected. Policies such as work from home, lockdowns, and curfews reduced traffic and commuting ...
Specific fluorescent signatures for body fluid identification using fluorescence spectroscopy
23 februari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekNon-invasive, rapid, on-site detection and identification of body fluids is highly desired in forensic investigations. The use of fluorescence-based methods for body fluid identification, have so far remain ...
X-TEAM D2D Project: Designing and Validating a Concept of Operations for Door-To-Door Multimodal Transport
1 februari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe project X-TEAM D2D (extended ATM for door-to-door travel) has been funded by SESAR JU in the framework of the research activities devoted to the investigation of integration of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and ...
Public Spaces and Urban Resilience: state of affairs in Dutch cities and exploring human and non-human perspectives
1 februari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis collection of articles contains contributions to the research project ‘From Prevention to Resilience’ (FPtP). In this project, the research team has generated insights and tools for designers, ...
Public Spaces and Urban Resilience: state of affairs in Dutch cities and exploring human and non-human perspectives
1 februari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis collection of articles contains contributions to the research project ‘From Prevention to Resilience’ (FPtP). In this project, the research team has generated insights and tools for designers, ...
Reporting on forensic biology findings given activity level issues in the Netherlands
1 februari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThere appears to be some hesitation within the forensic biology community to formally evaluate and report on findings given activity level propositions. This hesitance in part stems from concerns about the lack of ...
A paradoxical transition of citizen participation in housing developments
26 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekCurrent planning policies place great expectations on citizen participation to resolve complex societal and spatial challenges such as urban renewal and housing development.
Crafting intrapreneurial stewardship
16 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekResearch suggests that construction clients, as building owner-occupier, are struggling to implement smart maintenance.
A conceptual representation of short-term and long-term decision-making in the roll-out and exploitation of public EV charging infrastructure in Dutch neighborhoods
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekCharging infrastructure in neighborhoods is essential for inhabitants who use electric vehicles. The development of public charging infrastructure can be complex because of its dependency on local grid conditions, ...
Forensisch onderzoek op activiteitniveau in de praktijk
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekBij forensisch onderzoek op activiteitniveau worden de bevindingen van het forensisch onderzoek door een daarvoor opgeleide en toegeruste deskundige beoordeeld in de context van de zaak en in het licht van de ...
Friction ridge impressions
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekFingermarks have proven to play an important role in criminal investigations for identification purposes. However, in some cases, the donor of the fingermark is not disputed but the activity that led to the ...
Comparison of genotyping and weight of evidence results when applying different genotyping strategies on samples from a DNA transfer experiment
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn this study, we assessed to what extent data on the subject of TPPR (transfer, persistence, prevalence, recovery) that are obtained through an older STR typing kit can be used in an activity-level evaluation for a ...
Comparison of genotyping and weight of evidence results when applying different genotyping strategies on samples from a DNA transfer experiment
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn this study, we assessed to what extent data on the subject of TPPR (transfer, persistence, prevalence, recovery) that are obtained through an older STR typing kit can be used in an activity-level evaluation for a ...
Forensic DNA trace evidence interpretation
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekForensic DNA Trace Evidence Interpretation: Activity Level Propositions and Likelihood Ratios provides all foundational information required for a reader to understand the practice of evaluating forensic biology ...
The role of purchasing in raising the maturity of smart maintenance management
1 januari 2023 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe aim of this study is to provide insights into how the purchasing function can increase the maturity of smart maintenance management (SMM) in construction clients by (1) assessing current SMM maturity and (2) ...
Evaluation and assessment framework for FTMAAS Living Lab
5 december 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWith the increasing uncertainty surrounding unexpected events like Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, and the threats of international financial and economic crisis, technological innovation, automation, and ...
Methods for integrated simulation
1 december 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis note summarises the current status of the work of EUROSIMs ans ASIMs Technical Committees "Data Driven System Simulation" - with main emphasis on Big Data integration in simulation.
Methods for integrated simulation
1 december 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis note summarises the current status of the work of EUROSIMs ans ASIMs Technical Committees "Data Driven System Simulation" - with main emphasis on Big Data integration in simulation.
AI-based exhaust gas temperature
17 november 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekData-driven condition-based maintenance (CBM) and predictive maintenance (PdM) strategies have emerged over recent years and aim at minimizing the aviation maintenance costs and environmental impact by the diagnosis ...
AI-based exhaust gas temperature
17 november 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekData-driven condition-based maintenance (CBM) and predictive maintenance (PdM) strategies have emerged over recent years and aim at minimizing the aviation maintenance costs and environmental impact by the diagnosis ...
The added value of behavioural information in crime scene investigations
15 november 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekForensic and behavioural science are often seen as two different disciplines. However, there is a growing realization that the two disciplines should be more strongly integrated. Incorporating psychological theories ...
Explaining the growth in light electric vehicles in city logistics
1 november 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekResearch finds that the global market value of cargo bikes will hit 2.4 billion euros by 2031. Analysts with Future Market Insights assessing the growth of cargo bikes have placed the parcel courier industry as a key ...
Explaining the growth in light electric vehicles in city logistics
1 november 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekResearch finds that the global market value of cargo bikes will hit 2.4 billion euros by 2031.
The Urban Heat Atlas
20 oktober 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWith increase in awareness of the risks posed by climate change and increasingly severe weather events, attention has turned to the need for urgent action. While strategies to respond to flooding and drought are ...
The Urban Heat Atlas
20 oktober 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWith increase in awareness of the risks posed by climate change and increasingly severe weather events, attention has turned to the need for urgent action. While strategies to respond to flooding and drought are ...
Energy matching: exploring the value of demand flexibility in educational office buildings
11 oktober 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis research presents a case study exploring the potential for demand side flexibility at a cluster of university buildings. The study investigates the potential of a collection of various electrical devices, ...
Stille getuigen?
4 oktober 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekNa een misdrijf blijven sporen achter die kunnen helpen bij het opsporen van personen en het reconstrueren van de gebeurtenissen. Deze stille getuigen spelen een steeds belangrijkere rol in het strafrechtelijk ...
State of Competition in the Dutch EV charging sector
1 oktober 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn the Netherlands and some neighbouring European countries, the electric vehicle (EV) charging sector is receiving attention from market regulators. Concerns relating to competitive processes in this developing and ...
Exploring the Efficiency of Future Multimodal Networks: A Door-to-Door Case in Europe
1 oktober 2022 | CAREMIt is expected that future transportation technologies will positively impact how passengers travel to their destinations. Europe aims to integrate air transport into the overall multimodal transport network to ...
Exploring the Efficiency of Future Multimodal Networks: A Door-to-Door Case in Europe
1 oktober 2022 | CAREMIt is expected that future transportation technologies will positively impact how passengers travel to their destinations. Europe aims to integrate air transport into the overall multimodal transport network to ...
Bouwlogistiek op weg naar zero emlssie
20 september 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekNederlandse gemeenten hebben te maken met een grote bouwopgave. Dit zorgt voor veel voertuigbewegingen van en naar bouwprojecten.
Ontwerp- en gedragsonderzoek om scheidingsgedrag te verbeteren
7 september 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe Hogeschool van Amsterdam doet met het project BASSTA onderzoek naar het verbeteren van het scheidingsgedrag van huishoudens. Middels doe-boeken is onderzocht hoe mensen thuis met hun afval omgaan. Op basis van ...
Trade-offs in the landside operations of air cargo hubs: Horizontal cooperation and shipment consolidation policies considering capacitated nodes
1 augustus 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekLandside operations in air cargo terminals consist of many freight forwarders (FFWs) delivering and picking up cargo at the capacity-constrained loading docks at the airport's ground handlers' (GHs) facilities. To ...
A multi-level Thermal Comfort Assessment (TCA) to identify and mitigate heat stress risks in urban areas
25 juli 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe liveability of cities worldwide is under threat by the predicted increase in intensity and frequency of heatwaves and the absence of a clear spatial overview of where action to address this. Heat stress impairs ...
Presenting a Dynamic User Experience Assessment (D-UXA) for Enhancing Urban Research and Design Practice
8 juli 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekBefore the Covid-19 pandemic, important social studies already indicated the severe negative feedback associated with high-rise developments. During the Covid-19 pandemic, citizens were confronted with their ...
Developing Educational Escape Rooms for Experiential Entrepreneurship Education
1 juli 2022 | CAREMEducational escape rooms (EERs) are increasingly used in education as learning innovations for non-digital and game-based learning (GBL) since EERs positively influence student motivation. They are common in ...
Resource Orchestration and Opportunity Beliefs in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives for Sustainability
1 juli 2022 | CAREMOur world is increasingly faced with wicked environmental sustainability challenges, requiring entrepreneurs to work in multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) to address these challenges. Network orchestration is ...
An End-to-End Pipeline for Uncertainty Quantification and Remaining Useful Life Estimation: An Application on Aircraft Engines
29 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekEstimating the remaining useful life (RUL) of an asset lies at the heart of prognostics and health management (PHM) of many operations-critical industries such as aviation. Mod- ern methods of RUL estimation adopt ...
Impact of battery developments on the future of charging infrastructure deployment
13 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDevelopments in battery technology have made it able to increase the range of electric vehicles without increasing the price. To combat range anxiety among potential customers OEMs are expected to keep adding range ...
Flexpower3: Significant increase in grid hosting capacity without comfort loss, by smart charging based on clustering and non-firm capacity
13 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekA novel Smart Charging strategy, based on low base allowances per charger combined with clustering of chargers on the same part of the grid and dynamic non guaranteed allowance, is presented in this paper.
The long-term effects of COVID-19 Lockdowns on electric vehicle charging behaviour
11 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe COVID-19 lockdowns showed that working from home and conducting meetings online can change mobility patterns and needs substantially. This global pandemic may have also substantially changed mobility patterns on ...
Reducing CO2 emission and disrupting car travel habits through personalized feedback
11 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis paper presents the results of an experimental field study, in which the effects were studied of personalized travel feedback on car owners’ car habits, awareness of the environmental impact of their travel ...
Explainable artificial intelligence for exhaust gas temperature of turbofan engines
1 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekData-driven modeling is an imperative tool in various industrial applications, including many applications in the sectors of aeronautics and commercial aviation. These models are in charge of providing key insights, ...
Digitale sporen in smartphones. Een kennismaking met <i>pattern-of-life forensics</i>
1 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekMensen laten in het dagelijks leven steeds meer digitale sporen achter in computers, tablets en smartphones die waardevol kunnen zijn voor de opsporing en voor de bewijsvoering in strafzaken. Naast sporen die we ...
Digitale sporen in smartphones. Een kennismaking met <i>pattern-of-life forensics</i>
1 juni 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekMensen laten in het dagelijks leven steeds meer digitale sporen achter in computers, tablets en smartphones die waardevol kunnen zijn voor de opsporing en voor de bewijsvoering in strafzaken. Naast sporen die we ...
VAP-DC - Veilig Autonoom PV laadplein met DC distributie
30 mei 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn this charging plaze energy exchange will be done by a DC microgrid between PV, V2G electric cars and lighting. Control is done autonomous with Droop Rate Control.
Vooronderzoek LEVE: Maximale Impact voor Warmtepompen
30 mei 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekResearch has been done on how the implementation of heat pumps in dwellings could have the maximum impact on energy savings.
Re-organise: Game-Based Learning of Circular Business Model Innovation
30 mei 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis study furthers game-based learning for circular business model innovation (CBMI), the complex, dynamic process of designing business models according to the circular economy principles.
A Low-cost Fresnel Lens Fluorometer to Detect Fecal Contamination in Drinking Water in Realtime
15 mei 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWe report the detection of tryptophan at sub-ppb levels for a fluorometer based on Fresnel lenses and low-cost electronics. These fluorometers can be used to detect fecal contamination in drinking water, indicated by ...
What is the thermal effect of 'blue' in blue-green roofs?
1 mei 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekGreen roofs received increased scientific attention with respect to climate adaptation in urban environments for their hydrological, biodiversity and insulative capacities. Yet, the thermal properties of roofs with ...
A validated agent-based model for stress testing charging infrastructure utilization
1 mei 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDeployment and management of environmental infrastructures, such as charging infrastructure for Electric Vehicles (EV), is a challenging task. For policy makers, it is particularly difficult to estimate the capacity ...
Hitte (onderzoek HVA)
30 april 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) heeft in RESILIO onderzoek gedaan naar het koelende en isolerende effect van BG-daken op de binnentemperatuur. Het project bood een unieke gelegenheid om recent ...
"We moeten de stad op een aantrekkelijke manier zien te verdichten"
14 april 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekVoor het project Sensing Streetscapes sprak Hogeschool van Amsterdam-onderzoeker Frank Suurenbroek met Ton Schaap, senior stedenbouwkundige bij de gemeente Amsterdam.
Indoor and outdoor heat stress reduction
30 maart 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWithin the Resilio project, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam has researched the cooling and insulation effect of blue-green roofs on the indoor temperature.
"Torens zijn in Utrecht altijd onderdeel van een groter bouwblok"
29 maart 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekVoor het project Sensing Streetscapes sprak Hogeschool van Amsterdam-onderzoeker Frank Suurenbroek met Marlies de Nijs, senior stedenbouwkundige bij de gemeente Utrecht.
Institutional complexities of smart maintenance purchasing in higher education institutes: setting the scene
17 maart 2022 | Centre for Economic TransformationThis paper analyzes the institutional context of maintenance purchasing in higher education. It aims to provide insights into the institutional complexities of smart maintenance purchasing in higher education institutes.
Innovations in the Aviation MRO
8 maart 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis book is both a short introduction to the recent developments, challenges and opportunities in Aviation Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul(MRO), and at the same time, a presentation of the research focal areas and ...
6 maart 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekWe beseffen steeds meer het belang van overschakelen van een lineaire naar een circulaire economie, waarin producten zo lang mogelijk worden gebruikt en afval geen afval is maar dient als grondstof voor nieuwe ...
Analyse kosteneffectiviteit Electric Road Systems (ERS) voor Nederland
1 maart 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekVoor emissievrije transportsector is het van belang dat bedrijven kunnen beschikken over een goed netwerk om de batterij van hun elektrische vrachtwagen op te laden. In dat kader heeft een consortium van Decisio, ...
An Actionable Guide to Creating Educational Escape Rooms
1 maart 2022 | CAREMThe UNLOCK project - Creativity through game-based learning at higher education – aims to equip HEIs to design, set and facilitate escape room games in their learning experiences, to foster the creativity and ...
Understanding Complexity in Charging Infrastructure through the Lens of Social Supply–Demand Systems
1 maart 2022 | CAREMSince the first release of modern electric vehicles, researchers and policy makers have shown interest in the deployment and utilization of charging infrastructure. Despite the sheer volume of literature, limited ...
Understanding Complexity in Charging Infrastructure through the Lens of Social Supply–Demand Systems
1 maart 2022 | CAREMSince the first release of modern electric vehicles, researchers and policy makers have shown interest in the deployment and utilization of charging infrastructure. Despite the sheer volume of literature, limited ...
“Once my front door – now my coffee table”; Advanced computational design and robotic production with waste wood
16 februari 2022 | CAREMGrowing volumes of wood are being used in construction, interior architecture, and product design, resulting in increasing amounts of wood waste. Using this waste is challenging, because it is too labor-intensive to ...
Appropriating Relational Value from Collaborative Networks for Sustainability
14 februari 2022 | CAREMOur study elucidates relational value creation and appropriation in collaborative networks for sustainability (CNfS), which focus on grand societal challenges and include a multiplicity and diversity of actors.
Positieve energie in de stad: innovatie voor een duurzame transitie
8 februari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe klimaatverandering dwingt tot een versnelling van de energietransitie. Een stad als Amsterdam heeft hierin hoge ambities. Het lectoraat Energie & Innovatie werkt hieraan mee door technologische interventies te ...
An analysis and design for the repair process of Late Show shipments in the Export Cargo Process at SPL HUB
4 februari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekExport shipments arriving late at the freight building of KLM Cargo at Schiphol Airport is a trigger to deviations in the standard acceptance process. These Late Shows are currently handled ad-hoc making it difficult ...
Opinie: ‘Wanneer mogen wij als Amsterdammers mee-investeren in onze binnenstad?’
4 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekMet steun van de gemeente heeft NV Zeedijk negen kapitale panden op de Wallen gekocht. Goed nieuws, maar om deze ingreep echt effect te laten hebben, zullen buurtbewoners betrokken moeten worden bij het investeren in ...
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekFinal report of the Flexpower3 project. The project aims to develop a solution that creates more potential for electrifying mobility than previous smart charging concepts. The current charging stations have a high ...
LocalDNA: de ontwikkeling en werking van een snelle DNA-onderzoeksroute in de opsporingspraktijk
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekVanuit de professionals in de strafrechtketen is er een grote behoefte aan snelle en betrouwbare DNA-analyses die buiten de laboratoria op of nabij een plaats delict kunnen worden uitgevoerd. Een sneller ...
Opsporen, vervolgen en tegenhouden van cybercriminaliteit
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekNederland heeft een snelle, stabiele en betrouwbare digitale infrastructuur, waar zowel nationaal als internationaal veelvuldig gebruik van wordt gemaakt. Die sleutelpositie geeft economische kansen, maar schept ook ...
Handreiking hitte in de bestaande woningen
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekSteden zijn gevoelig voor de effecten van klimaatverandering, waaronder hittegolven. Daarmee nemen ook de problemen rondom hittestress toe: doordat gebouwen en gebouwde gebieden niet ontworpen zijn op de hogere ...
Enhancing a simulation-based Allocator Software with machine learning and genetic algorithms for improving the gate assignment problem
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekAssigning gates to flights considering physical, operational, and temporal constraints is known as the Gate Assignment Problem. This article proposes the novelty of coupling a commercial stand and gate allocation ...
Conceptual structural design
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe subject of this textbook is a methodical approach on the complex problem-solving process of conceptual structural design, leading to a controlled build-up of insight into the behaviour of the structure and ...
Expanding the environmental scope
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIdentifying modifiable factors associated with well-being is of increased interest for public policy guidance. Developments in record linkage make it possible to identify what contributes to well-being from a myriad ...
Explainable and Interpretable AI-Assisted Remaining Useful Life Estimation for Aeroengines
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekRemaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation is directly related with the application of predictive maintenance. When RUL estimation is performed via data-driven methods and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, ...
Van dieselbus naar vrachtfiets?
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe weg naar zero-emissievervoer begint niet bij het voertuig. Dit is de eerste conclusie van het project Gas op Elektrisch dat in maart 2021 tot een einde is gekomen. Maar wat is dan wel een goed startpunt om die ...
An outline of a concept of operations for integration of ATM and air transport into multimodal transport system for door-to-door travel
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn the framework of the research activities supported by SESAR JU, dedicated research stream is devoted to investigation of integration of Air Traffic Management (ATM) and aviation into a wider transport system able ...
Impact of COVID-19 on the Dutch Flower Trade-Logistics Node
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekCut, cooled, packed, transported and traded all over the world, flowers represent a showcase of a worldwide integrated trade-logistics system. As one of the most perishable, vulnerable and time-critical products, ...
Distance to cool spots, a practical design guideline for heat resilient urban areas
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn the Netherlands municipalities are searching for guidelines for a heat resilient design of the urban space. One of the guidelines which has recently been picked up is that each house should be within a 300 meter ...
Assessing the performance of Positive Energy Districts: The need for innovative methods
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekPositive Energy Districts (PEDs) are potential high-impact climate change mitigation actions towards low carbon or even climate neutral cities. This implies that the energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions of ...
Explainable and Interpretable AI-Assisted Remaining Useful Life Estimation for Aeroengines
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekRemaining Useful Life (RUL) estimation is directly related with the application of predictive maintenance. When RUL estimation is performed via data-driven methods and Artificial Intelligence algorithms, ...
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn het project Flexpower3 is de vermogensvraag van het laden van elektrische voertuigen, in tegenstelling tot de situatie in de voorgaande projecten, voor de netbeheerder 100% beheersbaar gemaakt. Elke laadpaal ...
3D Printing Protocol
1 januari 2022 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis is the first draft of the large scale 3d printing protocol for granulated thermoplastics.
Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts
8 december 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIt is assumed by the projects demonstrating Positive Energy District (PED) concepts in cities across Europe that citizens should want and need to be involved in the development of new energy concepts, such as PEDs ...
Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts
8 december 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIt is assumed by the projects demonstrating Positive Energy District (PED) concepts in cities across Europe that citizens should want and need to be involved in the development of new energy concepts, such as PEDs ...
Forensisch adviseurs actief bij alle gerechten in Nederland: tijd voor een terugblik
7 december 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekSinds eind 2020 beschikken alle gerechten in Nederland over interne forensische ondersteuning in de vorm van ‘forensisch adviseurs’. Deze functie bestaat sinds 2012 en resulteerde uit de inspanningen die ...
Factors influencing physical distribution structure design
1 december 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis thesis studies the factors that influence physical distribution structure design. Distribution Structure Design (DSD) concerns the spatial layout of the distribution channel as well as the location(s) of ...
Agent-based modelling and simulation for circular business model experimentation
1 december 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe viability of novel network-level circular business models (CBMs) is debated heavily. Many companies are hesitant to implement CBMs in their daily practice, because of the various roles, stakes and opinions and ...
Programming for the subliminal brain
11 november 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe use of biometric monitoring allow researchers insight into the processing of environmental data by our central nervous systems. As a result we can determine precisely which stimuli cause arousal or draw our ...
Behavioural perspective on car owners’ uptake of shared e-mobility
3 november 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn the Interreg Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs project, electric shared mobility is offered through eHUBs in the city. eHUBs are physical places in<br/>neighbourhoods where shared mobility is offered, with ...
Behavioural perspective on car owners’ uptake of shared e-mobility
3 november 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn the Interreg Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs project, electric shared mobility is offered through eHUBs in the city. eHUBs are physical places in neighbourhoods where shared mobility is offered, with the ...
DNA Transfer in Forensic Science: Recent Progress towards Meeting Challenges
1 november 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekUnderstanding the factors that may impact the transfer, persistence, prevalence and recovery of DNA (DNA-TPPR), and the availability of data to assign probabilities to DNA quantities and profile types being obtained ...
Are We Satisfying the Right Conditions for the Mobility Transition?
1 november 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekGlobal climate agreements call for action and an integrated perspective on mobility, energy and overall consumption. Municipalities in dense, urban areas are challenged with facilitating this transition with limited ...
Are We Satisfying the Right Conditions for the Mobility Transition?
1 november 2021 | IDO-LaadGlobal climate agreements call for action and an integrated perspective on mobility, energy and overall consumption. Municipalities in dense, urban areas are challenged with facilitating this transition with limited ...
What fingermarks reveal about activities
28 oktober 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDissertation concerning the evaluation of fingermarks given activity level propositions to determine what fingermarks reveal about activities.
Practical guidelines for designing recycling, collaborative, and scalable business models: A case study of reusing textile fibers into biocomposite products
10 oktober 2021 | CAREMOur current take-make-dispose economic model faces a vital challenge as it extracts resources from the natural environment at faster rates than that the natural environment can replenish. A circular economy where ...
Tweede monitorronde evaluatie ANPR-wetgeving 126jj Wetboek van Strafvordering.
1 oktober 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekOp 1 januari 2019 is de wet ‘Vastleggen en bewaren kentekengegevens door de politie in werking getreden. Op basis van het nieuwe artikel 126jj Wetboek van Strafvordering (in de rest van het rapport aangeduid ...
Collaboration in the local DHC-chain: A bottom-up integrated framework fostering broad-based solutions
1 oktober 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe sustainable energy transition asks for new and innovative solutions in the way society, government, energy market and clients (end users) approach energy distribution and consumption.
A broadband, high common-mode rejection ratio instrumentation amplifier
27 september 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekAn operational amplifier based instrumentation amplifier (IA) with a common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) independent of resistance tolerances is presented in this paper. The CMRR is determined by the operational ...
Computational design applied to small room acoustics: creating and evaluating custom solutions
25 september 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis paper evaluates a design procedure which is able to scale one-dimensional quadratic-residue diffusers, with integrated Helmholtz resonators.
Extended ATM for Seamless Travel (X-TEAM D2D)
23 september 2021 | CAREMX-TEAM D2D project is focused on integrating Air Traffic Management and Urban Air Mobility into an overall multimodal transport network to address the potential increase in efficiency of the overall transportation ...
Identifying Maturity Dimensions for Smart Maintenance Management of Constructed Assets: A Multiple Case Study
1 september 2021 | CAREMWhile smart maintenance is gaining popularity in professional engineering and construction management practice, little is known about the dimensions of its maturity. It is assumed that the complex networked ...
Sensing streetscapes
26 juli 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekVoor u ligt het booklet Sensing Streetscapes: perspectieven op verdichting. Het bundelt de interviews van elf ontwerpbureaus, drie gemeentelijke senior stedenbouwers, de voormalige rijksadviseur, vijf mondiale ...
Circular Business Model experimentation: local biodigestion network (version 1.1.0)
29 juni 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe purpose of the model is to explore the influence of the design of circular business models (CBMs) on CBM viability.
Industrial Symbiosis Network implementation ABM <i>(version 1.1.0)</i>
16 juni 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis is a repository containing an agent-based model (code, data, documents and results) of Industrial Symbiosis Network implementation. The repository is related to the publication:<br/><br/>Lange, K.P., ...
Benchmark Prijstransparantie
1 juni 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis benchmark stems from the objective in the National Agenda Charging Infrastructure to make prices transparent to end users. The benchmark measures price transparency for publicly accessible charge points in The ...
Accessibility of green areas for local residents
1 juni 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekGreen spaces play an important role in urban areas. We study the accessibility of green urban areas by combining open data sets about green with population size data. We develop a mathematical model to define the ...
Accessibility of green areas for local residents
1 juni 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekGreen spaces play an important role in urban areas. We study the accessibility of green urban areas by combining open data sets about green with population size data. We develop a mathematical model to define the ...
Valuing Value in Innovation Ecosystems: How Cross-Sector Actors Overcome Tensions in Collaborative Sustainable Business Model Development
1 mei 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis article aims to uncover the processes of developing sustainable business models in innovation ecosystems. Innovation ecosystems with sustainability goals often consist of cross-sector partners and need to manage ...
Charging infrastructure roll-out strategies for large scale introduction of electric vehicles in urban areas
19 april 2021 | IDO-LaadOn the eve of the large-scale introduction of electric vehicles, policy makers have to decide on how to organise a significant growth in charging infrastructure to meet demand. There is uncertainty about which ...
Een blauwdruk voor de monitoring van transities in de logistiek van mainports
1 april 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekEen blauwdruk voor de monitoring van transities in de logistiek van mainports.
Benutten datacenter restwarmte: casus Amstel III
1 april 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDeze publicatie beschrijft de aanpak en de tools die ontwikkeld zijn in het RiRa: Amstel III project, dat de totstandkoming van een open warmte en koudenet in Amstel III onderzocht.
Decarbonizing by 2050
1 april 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe air transportation sector once believed that the best it could do globally speaking would be to reduce its net-carbon output by 50% below 2005 levels by 2050. That view placed the sector out of sync with what the ...
Gas op elektrisch
1 maart 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDeze publicatie presenteert de resultaten van het ‘Gas op Elektrisch’ project: een onderzoek naar zeroemissieservicelogistiek (ZE-servicelogistiek) in stedelijke regio’s. Servicelogistiek omvat het ...
Using case specific experiments to evaluate fingermarks on knives given activity level propositions
1 maart 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekBayesian networks have shown to be a useful tool for the evaluation of forensic findings given activity level propositions. In this paper, we demonstrate how case specific experiments can be used to assign ...
Benchmark prijstransparantie: Onderzoeksmethode
18 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekHet Klimaatakkoord bevat meer dan 600 afspraken om de uitstoot van CO2 tegen te gaan. Een belangrijk deel van deze afspraken gaat over mobiliteit. Bij het verminderen van de uitstoot binnen het domein mobiliteit ...
Rethink Kaartenset voor Duurzaam Verpakken
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe kaartenset is een hulpmiddel om out-of-the box ideeën te genereren voor het integraal verduurzamen van bestaande product-verpakkingscombinaties.
COVID-19-related challenges for new normality in airport terminal operations
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekAirport operations are undergoing significant change, having to meet pandemic requirements in addition to intrinsic security requirements. Although air traffic has declined massively, airports are still the critical ...
Air taffic management during rare events such as a pandemic
1 januari 2021 | CAREMParis Charles de Gaulle Airport was the second European airport in terms of traffic in 2019, having transported 76.2 million passengers. Its large infrastructures include four runways, a large taxiway network, and ...
Educational escape rooms in practice: research, experiences, and recommendations
1 januari 2021 | CAREMThe following e-book was prepared as part of the Erasmus+ UNLOCK project, which has the objective of identifying the use of educational escape rooms (EERs) in higher education environments and examining the role of ...
A health monitoring modelling case study
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis work focuses on humidity effects of turbofan engines, in order to identify the magnitude of the error in operational conditions and the implications on maintenance decision support.
Automation of composite repairs
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekAs a logical consequence of the advancements in automation of production of composite aircraft structures, more attention is paid to the automation of maintenance. <br/>Current repair procedures involve manual ...
Understanding aviation operators’ variability in advanced systems
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekPurpose<br/>This study aims to identify variability in aviation operators in order to gain greater understanding of the changes in aviation professional groups. Research has commonly addressed human factors and ...
Restart: analysis of post-COVID 19 capacity in security checkpoints at Mexico City Airport
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekCOVID-19 arrived in the world suddenly and unexpectedly. It caused major disruptions at economical, operational and other levels. In the case of flight traffic, the operations were reduced to 10% of their original ...
Ondergrondemancipatie in ruimtelijke planning: een agenda
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekOf het nu gaat om de energietransitie, klimaatadaptatie of verdere verdichting in steden: in de ondergrond wordt naar oplossingen gezocht en vaak ook gevonden. Dat is mooi, maar zorg is op zijn plek. Op strategisch ...
Het gebruik van DNA in het opsporingsproces
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekJaarlijks stellen forensisch rechercheurs van de politie ongeveer 27.000 biologische sporen veilig die ze doorsturen naar het Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) voor DNA-onderzoek (Kruize & Gruter2018). Deze ...
An AI-based Digital Twin Case Study in the MRO Sector
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekIn this work, the concept of an Artificial Intelligence-based (AI) Digital Twin (DT) of an aircraft system is introduced, with the goal to improve the corresponding MRO Operations. More specifically, the current ...
Ondergrondemancipatie in ruimtelijke planning: een agenda
1 januari 2021 | Kenniscentrum TechniekOf het nu gaat om de energietransitie, klimaatadaptatie of verdere verdichting in steden: in de ondergrond wordt naar oplossingen gezocht en vaak ook gevonden. Dat is mooi, maar zorg is op zijn plek. Op strategisch ...
Climate resilient urban retrofit at street level
31 december 2020 | Kenniscentrum Techniek -
The need to integrate flood and drought disaster risk reduction strategies
1 december 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekMost research on hydrological risks focuses either on flood risk or drought risk, whilst floods and droughts are two extremes of the same hydrological cycle. To better design disaster risk reduction (DRR) measures ...
Fast Charging Systems for Passenger Electric Vehicles
1 december 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis paper explores current and potential future use of fast charging stations for electric passenger vehicles. The aim of the paper is to analyse current charging patterns at fast charging stations and the role of ...
Reducing airport environmental footprint using a disruption-aware stand assignment approach
1 december 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekModern airport management is challenged by the task of operating aircraft parking positions most efficiently while complying with environmental policies, restrictions, schedule disruptions, and capacity limitations. ...
A sectoral perspective on distribution structure design
22 november 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis paper studies the factors that drive distribution structure design (DSD), which includes the spatial layout of distribution channels and location choice of logistics facilities. We build on a generic framework ...
KPI results - baselines and final results
20 november 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekSEEV4-City is an innovation project funded by the European Union Interreg North Sea Region Programme. Its main objective is to demonstrate smart electric mobility and integration of renewable energy solutions and ...
Final report – Loughborough Operational Pilot
19 november 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThis OP was deployed in two phases, focusing on Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) and Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). Its first phase took place at a private residence in Loughborough and ran from March 2017 up to December 2017. This ...
De ondergrond terug op de ruimtelijke agenda
18 november 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekDe aandacht voor de ondergrond was het afgelopen decennium tanende in ruimtelijke planning. Grootschalige milieuoperaties uit de jaren tachtig en negentig waren afgerond. Nieuw beleid was niet meer nodig. ...
Fingermarks beyond the source
12 november 2020 | Kenniscentrum Techniekfingerprints are a commonly exploited type of evidence and can be crucial in a criminal investigation. The process of individualization or exclusion of a donor relies on the comparison of ridge detail characteristics ...
Praktijkonderzoek Hitte richtlijnen
1 november 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekGemeenten hebben aangegeven voor hitte behoefte te hebben aan concrete richtlijnen voor een hittebestendige stad. In het RAAK-project ‘De hittebestendige stad’ zijn naar aanleiding van deze behoefte drie ...
Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Assembly for Architectural Hybrid Structures
27 oktober 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe Design-to-Robotic-Production and -Assembly (D2RP&A) process developed at Delft University of Technology (DUT) has been scaled up to building size by prototyping of-site a 3.30 m high fragment of a larger ...
Case: PV generation and Electricity demand at the Johan Cruijff Arena
20 oktober 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekPV systems are used more and more. Not always is it possible to install them in the optimal direction for maximum energy output over the year. At the Johan Cruijff ArenA the PV panels are placed all around the roof ...
Mechanical response of hybrid laminated polymer nanocomposite structures
19 oktober 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe prediction of mechanical elastic response of laminated hybrid polymer composites with basic carbon nanostructure, that is carbon nanotubes and graphene, inclusions has gained importance in many advanced ...
Themanummer Publieke Ruimte
15 oktober 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekSluimerend vindt een strijd om de schaarse stedelijke openbare ruimte plaats. In onze sociaal gefragmenteerde, geïndividualiseerde en verdichtende steden is die gedeelde openbare publieke ruimte echter cruciaal. ...
Final report – Johan Cruijff ArenA operational pilot
8 oktober 2020 | Kenniscentrum TechniekThe Johan Cruijff ArenA (JC ArenA) is a big events location in Amsterdam, where national and international football matches, concerts and music festivals take place for up to 68,000 visitors. The JC ArenA is already ...