Kenniscentrum Techniek
D.J. de Boer (Danielle)
Empowered by Innovation: Unravelling Determinants of Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Platforms
Situmeang, F., Loke, R., de Boer, N., & de Boer, D. (2019). Empowered by Innovation: Unravelling Determinants of Idea Implementation in Open Innovation Platforms. In S. Hammoudi, C. Quix, & J. Bernardino (Eds.), DATA 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (Vol. 1, pp. 289-295). (DATA 2019 - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications). SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
Final report
van Winden, W., Kras, N., Situmeang, F., de Boer, D., & Weltevreden, J. (2018). Final report: D3 “assessing the external perceptions about the entrepreneurial ecosystem of AMP and the key variables to work on”. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, CAREM.
Invloed van collectieve digitale marketing op bezoekers van binnensteden
Risselada, A., Hagen, D., Weltevreden, J., & de Boer, D. (2017). Invloed van collectieve digitale marketing op bezoekers van binnensteden. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre for Market Insights.!/vizhome/CollectiefOnline/CollectiefOnline
Digitale marketing en kenmerken van collectieven in binnensteden
Risselada, A., Hagen, D., Weltevreden, J., & de Boer, D. (2017). Digitale marketing en kenmerken van collectieven in binnensteden. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre for Market Insights.!/vizhome/DigitaleMarketingenKenmerkenvanCollectieveninBinnensteden/CollectieveBinnensteden
The state of cross-border ecommerce in Europe
de Boer, D., Goldman, S., Weltevreden, J., Keuter, J., Bunck, P., & Witsenboer, A. (2017). The state of cross-border ecommerce in Europe. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre for Market Insights.!/vizhome/TheStateofCross-borderEcommerceinEurope/Cross-borderE-Commerce
HvA Professors on Twitter
de Boer, D., Weltevreden, J., & Welmers, T. (2017). HvA Professors on Twitter: usage & success. Web publication or website, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Centre for Market Insights.!/vizhome/Lectoren_dashboard_v6/Story1