Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding
D.I. Snijders Blok (Dymphna)
Supporting Teachers To Identify And Address Inequality Of Opportunity By Playing A Serious Game
Koffeman, A., Snijders-Blok, D., Stavenga, W., Rusbach, B., & Meelker, J. (2024). Supporting Teachers To Identify And Address Inequality Of Opportunity By Playing A Serious Game. Web publication or website, Social Publishers Foundation.
IQ110 - a very unfair game about inequality of opportunity.
Koffeman, A., Snijders Blok, D., Stavenga, W., Rusbach, B., & Meelker, J. (2022). IQ110 - a very unfair game about inequality of opportunity. Teacher design research as a bridge between policy and practice. Paper presented at TEPE 2022, Graz, Austria.