Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en Opvoeding
Blog 1 - Megagames
Gepost op: 14 jun 2024 | Kenniscentrum Onderwijs en OpvoedingAs a part of our dissemination plan and in order to connect with our community, we will be writing a blog and sharing our materials and resources on a bi-monthly basis in this website.
In April, we had our first team meeting to jump into the project. We divided ourselves into sub-projects and worked on a project timeline. Erwin and Anders are leading the first phase: orientation. Our goal is to learn about and experience megagames. Since then, we have been reading, discussion and planning. Here are some of the highlights:
Karel presented this brief deep dive into the world of designing and hosting megagames.
While visiting the classic megagame Watch the Skies in Bristol, England was not possible, we did manage to find something closer to home. On June 15 th we will attend the megagame De Bello Gallico in Veldhoven, NL.
Join us!
On July 3rd, we will host the climate simulation En-ROADS on campus. We invite any staff or student to join. Read more about the En-ROADS game here and register here.
If you would like to hear more about the project, please attend the Food for Thought inspiration session on game-based learning on July 25th. Sonia and Karel will be discussing gamification and the potential of megagames as a learning tool.