HvA in de Stad

Using e-Health in the physical therapeutic care process for patients with temporomandibular disorders

a qualitative study on the perspective of physical therapists and patients


<p>Background: Treatment of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) currently consists of a combination of noninvasive therapies and may be supported by e-Health. It is, however, unclear if physical therapists and patients are positive towards the use of e-Health. Purpose: To assess the needs, facilitators and barriers of the use of an e-Health application from the perspective of both orofacial physical therapists and patients with TMD. Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was performed. Eleven physical therapists and nine patients with TMD were interviewed using a topic guide. Thematic analysis was applied, and findings were ordered according to four themes: acceptance of e-Health, expected utility, usability and convenience. Results: Physical therapists identified the need for e-Health as a supporting application to send questionnaires, animated exercises and evaluation tools. Key facilitators for both physical therapists and patients for implementing e-Health included the increase in self-efficacy, support of data collection and personalization of the application. Key barriers are the increase of screen time, the loss of personal contact, not up-to-date information and poor design of the application. Conclusions: Physical therapists and patients with TMD are positive towards the use of e-Health, in a blended form with the usual rehabilitation care process for TMD complaints.Implications for rehabilitation The rehabilitation process of temporomandibular complaints may be supported by the use of e-Health applications. Physical therapists and patients with temporomandibular disorders are positive towards the use of e-Health as an addition to the usual care. Especially during the treatment process, there is a need for clear animated videos and reminders for the patients.</p>

Reference van der Meer, H. A., de Pijper, L., van Bruxvoort, T., Visscher, C. M., Nijhuis-van der Sanden, M. W. G., Engelbert, R. H. H., & Speksnijder, C. M. (2020). Using e-Health in the physical therapeutic care process for patients with temporomandibular disorders: a qualitative study on the perspective of physical therapists and patients. Disability and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2020.1775900
Published by  Urban Vitality 16 June 2020

Publication date

Jun 2020


Hedwig A. van der Meer
Leonie de Pijper
Thijs van Bruxvoort
Corine M. Visscher
Maria W.G. Nijhuis-van der Sanden
Raoul H.H. Engelbert
Caroline M. Speksnijder


Research database