Centre for Economic Transformation | CET
A.A.M. Kuijpers (Sandra)
Textile and Fashion Design Considerations in a Digital Era
Kuijpers, A. A. M., Nachtigall, T. R., & van Bommel, M. (2024). Textile and Fashion Design Considerations in a Digital Era: Technology Shifts Through a Postphenomenological Lens and Cross-disciplinary Interactions. In I. Saloul, S. Berrebi, N. Munawar, & M. Panico (Eds.), AHM Conference 2024: 'Heritage, Memory and Material Culture': Research-Teaching-Society Nexus (pp. 69-74). Amsterdam University Press. http://10.5117/9789048567638/AHM.2024.012
Fold, Stand and Drape: Unweaving Physical vs Digital Textile Design Considerations
Kuijpers, A. A. M., Goveia Da Rocha, B., Van Bommel, M. R., & Nachtigall, T. (2024). Fold, Stand and Drape: Unweaving Physical vs Digital Textile Design Considerations. In L. Ciolfi, & T. Hogan (Eds.), TEI '24: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction Association for Computing Machinery. https://doi.org/10.1145/3623509.3633351
The Future of Fabrics
Kuijpers, A. A. M., Geelhoed, M. W., & Crietee, M. (2021). The Future of Fabrics: Digital Fabric Roadmap. Modint.
The Measurement of Fabric Properties for Virtual Simulation—A Critical Review
Kuijpers, S., Luible-Bär, C., & Gong, R. H. (2020). The Measurement of Fabric Properties for Virtual Simulation—A Critical Review. (IEEE Industry Connections (IEEE-IC)). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10570387
Defining fabric drape
Kuijpers, A. A. M., & Gong, R. H. (2017). Defining fabric drape. In IFFTI Conference 2017: Breaking the Fashion Rules (pp. 168-184). Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam Fashion Institute. http://iffti.amfi.nl/conference-proceedings/
Evaluation of Physical and Virtual Fabric Drape Created from Objective Fabric Properties
Kuijpers, A. (2017). Evaluation of Physical and Virtual Fabric Drape Created from Objective Fabric Properties. [Research external, graduation external, University of Manchester]. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/evaluation-of-physical-and-virtual-fabric-drape-created-from-objective-fabric-properties(502d8339-ebf8-4b0b-9a9b-ccc30a007a8a).html