Centre of Expertise Applied Artificial Intelligence

  ir. S.K. Schramkó (Sába)

Jakoba Mulderhuis, Rhijnspoorplein 2, 1091 GC Amsterdam
Postbus 1209,1000 BE Amsterdam
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Sába carries out practice-oriented research at the Climate Resilient City research group (Klimaatbestendige Stad) in the field of climate adaptation and the Chair of Spatial Urban Transformation (Bouwtransformatie) on neighbourhood resilience, densification and wellbeing in cities. In the Cool Towns European Interreg project, she works with partner municipalities and regions from the 2Seas region and is involved in researching spatial interventions to adapt to the increasing heat stress in urban areas. She also contributes to the Sensing Streetscapes project. The project applies neuroarchitecture tools to develop design solutions that raise to appreciation and liability of streets in high density and high-rise environments. Finally, Sába works on the project ‘From prevention to resilience (Van preventie naar Veerkracht) on connecting social and ecological neighbourhood resilience.

Sába has a background in architecture and urbanism. She is enthusiastic about bridging research and practice and finding synergies between the social, spatial and climatic challenges in cities. She graduated Cum laude from TU Delft and worked as an architect on heritage transformation and cultural development projects and as an urban planner on the spatial development framework of mobility hubs, university and business campuses, and residential developments.

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